[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 2 points 1 day ago

Is it common? That depends on your context. Since your particular context includes an internet connection, literacy, and living in a situation with the means to reserve space for a child that isn't home full-time, I feel pretty confident in my estimation that it's probably not common.

Is it harmful? No. Honestly, I think it's pretty sweet. My only advice is to not let it stray into forbidden territory, but you seem to already have a pretty good grasp of where the line is.

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

Ahh, that's genuinely interesting, thanks!

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 3 points 1 day ago

That's definitely part of my blind spot here. I don't know of anywhere that uses a green cross for something other than a dispensary, but I also don't know a lot of things , sooo¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 32 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ok, so this might be an americanism, but the green cross says "cannabis dispensary" to me. At least around me, the medical marijuana industry is somewhat separated from the medical industry, and dispensaries are entirely different establishments from pharmacies. Pharmacies (and other medical establishments) use different symbols. If they were to use a cross to indicate a medical establishment, the red cross would be recognizable as a generalized symbol, but apparently it's heavily protected by the Red Cross.

But that's just my context, so I don't have much of an answer beyond "this is what it means 'round these parts"

Edit: added info from below

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

Even better, they're just executing the rules. They're just the messenger here.

It's more like, "Here's the specific passage in the rules which clearly states that you're being an absolute wanker, now go on and play with your cars. Leave the cash."

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 1 points 6 days ago

The first example that my brain came up with was definitely Popsicle Toes, and not any children's song :P

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 2 points 6 days ago

I think this might be a "yes, but no" kind of thing.

Yes, these are test strips. Yes, they change color to indicate a reading. Yes, they use chemical reactions to cause that color change.

AFAIK: No, these aren't for testing blood. No, these don't seem to be for consumption by an electronic meter. And no, I don't think this is what OP was asking about.

Like, there's probably some good info, but not for this thread specifically :P

Source: Pulling it straight out of my ass, but it is informed by my limited experience with medical test equipment, and much less limited experience with electronics.

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 74 points 2 months ago

Waow. MS can't decide if their users should have control of their hardware or not.

Your linux bootloader and efi config? That belongs to Windows, and it will make changes as much as it wants. A recovery partition that has no usefulness outside their own ecosystem? Yeah, they know it's fucked, and they fucked it, but it's your computer, you fix it!

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 104 points 2 months ago

They get paid when the least amount of people they insure use their services. They're not incentivized to help those they've insured. The less they have to pay out to providers, the better the executive bonuses. Thus, they are diligent in collecting premiums, but can just sit on their hands when it comes to paying out.

The more the system denies and delays a claim, the fewer insured people are willing or able to put themselves through the bureaucracy gauntlet, the fewer pay outs.

They're not in the business of insurance, they're in the business of making money from the business of insurance. It's over-complicated on purpose.

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 59 points 3 months ago

I'll admit I have zero insight and haven't looked into this, but at first glance, I don't understand why a desktop environment theme engine is unable to provide enough functionality for theme creators to do their thing without resorting to arbitrary command execution...

I trust KDE devs to address this quickly, but this is a pretty major oversight IMO...

[-] thurstylark@lemm.ee 75 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Also worth mentioning: if you fuck up the door trying to get into it,


Light percussive maintenance to bend a panel back into shape is one thing, but never ever try to take one apart if you aren't qualified. There are dangerous springs under tension that can and will kill you.

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