[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

He is singing the song of his people

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

The assumption previous generations made is that as you get older you will gain more wealth and assets, and so you become more conservative from a desire to protect that wealth.

Except with late-stage capitalism people just stay poor for their entire lives, so this never happens.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

Well, someone played Firewatch.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

From the image I assumed this was about a game called "10 minutes of gameplay" which was under threat of being cancelled, but it has loyal fans waiting and "Nobody wants it to die"

As for how my brain could assume even for a second that 10 minutes of gameplay could be a genuine game, I imagined it must be aomething with a time-looping mechanic that does the same 10 mins over and over.

I also thought the name must be intentional satire, and a self-referential poke at those people who believe the length of gameplay is what makes a game good, and want hundred-hour collectathons, whereas this is saying "Yes it only has 10 minutes but look what we can do with them!"

Sounds like a game I'd play honestly - and yes, I did play Twelve Minutes!

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 13 points 4 days ago

The design is so convenient for someone to pull off the 'outside' part of the sticker.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 70 points 4 days ago

You, SubjectNameHere, must be the pride of SubjectHometownHere

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 5 points 5 days ago

I didn't know about this.

Now I do, and I'm happier for it.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 211 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The fade should be slow and subtle. At first the client thinks they are just imagining it, but then they start getting customer support calls about the site being faded, and their bosses are pointing it out too in meetings, and as it happens more and more the panic really begins to set in.

Finally they reach out to you in a desperation when there's barely anything left of the site and ask you to urgently fix the problem, and you just shrug your shoulders sympathetically and explain it's happening because they haven't paid - but not like in a way that suggests you are doing it on purpose, but a way where it's simply an unavoidable natural consequence, like if you didn't pay your electricity bill your power would get cut and the site is slowly "dying" and fading away because of that.

They'd pay so fast.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 130 points 3 months ago

Yes, but ascertaining liability and securing a payout is a process that may take many years of being dragged through the courts, if it is even successful at all.

The government making money available immediately does help get things going with less uncertainty about who can foot the bill.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 194 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The answer is in the movie. When explaining the Matrix to Neo, Morpheus says: "There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown."


Doesn't specify the exact how, but it's strongly implied that it is through either cloning or artificial gestation.

[-] tiramichu@lemm.ee 137 points 11 months ago

Closed, to keep the monsters out.

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