I appreciate the translation, the printed explanation made me very confused!
joined 2 years ago
Because how dare anyone feel like just the two words "fuck elon" isn't insightful or interesting commentary, how dare anyone have differing views than my own, how dare anyone not drown me in their praise and fake internet points
After using boost for years the biggest thing I hate about jerboa is that short and long taps on comments is backwards. Drives me nuts.
abolishing the European Union
Ah, yes. I believe this was step 4 of setting up your self-hosted instance.
The fact that you used a bulleted list to describe what you like about Workflowy basically tells the whole story
I wouldn't say you need to know anything about Splatoon/league in order to understand this, because 100% of the necessary context is in the tweet itself.
But yes, it's surprising to see so many upvotes for a joke that requires the ability to read some Japanese in a mostly English community. But to be fair, it's funny as hell.