
joined 1 week ago
[–] 3 points 16 hours ago

That was a great explanation, much appreciated thank you!

[–] 1 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Thank you for telling me what the Republican leadership is doing.

What are YOU doing?

[–] 13 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)
if revenue.isTaxed():
[–] 9 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (2 children)

It's not stopping the far-right, don't let it stop you! (American-centric site, but I think the resources and advice within are still useful)

[–] 4 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Surely it's less work to maintain security patches for a few prior versions of windows than it is to indefinitely maintain backwards compatibility

[–] 6 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago) (1 children)

The full Microsoft XP source code was leaked and is available for anyone on GitHub; not the same, I know, but it's atleast NT based. I've just always wondered why a community never formed to fork it

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

I didn't know that, but it makes sense; they probably weren't a good example. The essence of it was 'let's see them take on one organized American gang'. I think the tough guy bravado would fall apart quick

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

we're in the middle of a hostile government takeover

i wanna talk about it but I'd be late for work

and if you're saying 'wait a minute, who we have to stop this?'

we had one but you didn't want that lady in office

[–] 79 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Imagine being so regarded that you inspired someone to make a difference in the world

[–] 23 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (5 children)

Look, folks, let me tell you something. You know, I've been saying this for a long time—long before anyone else. Russia, great people, great leaders, they’ve been fantastic. And Ukraine, you know, they were just not listening to the right advice, right? They should've just... given up like I said! But now we’re in a little... situation here, and let me be clear, folks, I know situations.

Now, I see this whole thing with Poland, and it's a bit of a mess. Poland—great country, by the way, I love Poland—so much history, such incredible pierogi, folks. But now they’re, uh, allegedly showing signs of aggression? Big mistake, Poland. You never mess with Russia when you’ve got people like me out there... you know, knowing how to do deals.

So listen, here’s what I think: Russia’s been very strong, okay? Tremendous, really. They’ve won, they’ve taken everything they wanted, and now they’re saying Poland’s a little... too aggressive. They don’t need this right now. And I agree with Russia! The Polish need to calm down, take a step back.

You know, they’ve been trying to act tough like they’re some kind of... superpower—but, let’s be honest, it’s not happening. No one talks about Poland like we do. Sad!

So, if I were in charge, we’d be doing so much better. I’d tell Poland to relax, take a breath, maybe work on some very strong business deals with Russia. It’s all about the deals, folks, it’s all about the deals. And if they don’t? Well, then, uh... I’m sure Russia would handle it, believe me.

And let me say this: Putin—great guy, fantastic, we’ve had a lot of talks, you wouldn’t believe it, so much great stuff—we don’t need to mess with him. Poland? They're not tough enough to deal with this. Just, everybody calm down, okay? Don’t make a huge mistake, Poland. Trust me, I know mistakes when I see ‘em.

Big applause.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (5 children)

A solution is to use GrapheneOS, a privacy focused and security hardened android ROM. They support some very old phones (like some almost a decade old), and continue to support all google pixels going forward. With GrapheneOS you will continue to get security upgrades ported over for a lot longer, and the phone will run better than ever de-googled!

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

These guys talk a lot of shit for people too scared to reveal their voices and face. They seem to think they're going to come to America and run the show with violence, and it's going to be like picking off farmers in Afganistan. These are the fantasies of a 13-year-old edgelord, and we've seen how the neo-Nazis run when they see a single black man with a gun lol. It'll get ugly sure, but these guys are tools. Let's see them take on a single hell's angels support club.


The title's a bit disingenuous, I know: this didn't come out of nowhere. White supremacism is as American as Manifest Destiny and has been heavily intertwined with Nazism from its inception. That overlap with the Republican party, and their gradual slip into the extreme far-right, is evident.

But Seig Heils? Even the most dense among them must know that blatant Nazism hurts their legitimacy in the eyes of the public, even among MAGATs (as is evident right now if you peek at their echo chamber on Reddit). Surely they would have a much easier time pushing their rhetoric and establishing their agenda by keeping a purposeful distance from that sort of indefensible imagery and symbolism. How do they expect to keep cohesion in the military when you imply to the soldiers that they are Nazis now, seig heils and all.

Why Nazis?

Any theories as to where this is coming from? Follow the ketamine-fueled leader? A directive for operative Krasnov, from Putin himself, to implode the country? True Nazi beliefs among the Heritage Foundation, Proud Boys, etc? I just don't understand how they thought this would fly. I don't understand anything anymore lol.


I hear this is a rite of passage. I made it 4 weeks before I rekt all my shit (it was nvidia related). Where do I claim my sticker?

In all seriousness, now that I understand better these commands that I've been haphazardly throwing around, Id like to do a clean install. God knows what else Ive done to it. Can i just reinstall to my root partition and have my home partition work as expected?


I mean I feel stupid typing it now, but I've been using Windows since I was 5 years old, and Linux for about 30 days. It was not apparent to me that many of my folders were actually shortcuts to stuff in my user directory, and now that I know to look out for them the location of my applications make sooo much more sense.


cross-posted from:

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/

Hi all. Today I was messing around with making custom icons in Debian 12 and I was having a heck of a time. I finally figured it out and wanted to share my solution. Below is a .sh script that will automate creating and replacing existing icons.

How it works

The script takes a path to an .svg file as an input argument. It then searches the /usr/share/icons/hicolor folder's subdirectories for .pngs of a matching name, notes their resolutions, and utilizes InkScape to convert the .svg to .pngs and replace the icons.

To utilize, save the script below as an .sh file and provide it an input .svg as follows:

sudo ./ /home/USERNAME/icon.svg

(note: your input .svg file must match the name of the existing icon you are trying to replace. Check the folder path below to determine the correct name)



# Define the base directory where icons are located

# Ensure the script is run as root to modify files in /usr/share/icons/hicolor
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run with root privileges to access the icons folder."
    exit 1

# Check if Inkscape is installed
if ! command -v inkscape &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Inkscape is not installed. Please install it and try again. (sudo apt install inkscape)"
    exit 1

# Input SVG file filepath
if [ -z "$INPUT_SVG" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 /path/to/input.svg"
    exit 1

# Validate that the input SVG file exists
if [ ! -f "$INPUT_SVG" ]; then
    echo "Input SVG file does not exist."
    exit 1

# Loop through all resolution folders (resolutions like 16x16, 32x32, etc.) in the /usr/share/icons/hicolor folder
for resolution_dir in "$BASE_DIR"/*x*; do
    # Check if the resolution folder contains an 'apps' subfolder
    if [ -d "$resolution_dir/apps" ]; then
        echo "Found apps folder in $resolution_dir"

        # Extract the resolution size (e.g., 16x16)
        resolution=$(basename "$resolution_dir")

        # Get the name of the input SVG file (without the .svg extension)
        base_name=$(basename "$INPUT_SVG" .svg)

        # Define the target PNG file path in the current resolution folder

        # Check if the resolution folder already contains a PNG file to replace
        if [ -f "$target_png" ]; then
            echo "Found existing $target_png. Replacing it."

            # Use Inkscape to convert the SVG to PNG at the correct resolution
            inkscape "$INPUT_SVG" --export-type=png --export-filename="$target_png" --export-width="${resolution%x*}" --export-height="${resolution#*x}"

            # Confirm creation
            if [ -f "$target_png" ]; then
                echo "Successfully created $target_png"
                echo "Failed to create $target_png"
            echo "No existing $target_png found. Skipping this resolution."
        echo "No 'apps' folder found in $resolution_dir. Skipping."

echo "Icon update process complete!"
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