What is your suggestion for a superior solution to the problems passwords solve?
Isn't that the tough bit about American Exceptionalism? Americans can't ALL be exceptional (by definition) and the messaging about how a rising tide lifts all boats simply doesn't translate to most people.
Tbf, Americans tend to be more than happy to work together (in short bursts) during moments of national crisis, but when everything is moving along normally policy debates become unnecessarily contentious.
What an absolute failure of the legal system to understand the issue at hand and appropriately assign liability.
Here's an article with more context, but tl;dr the "hackers" used credential stuffing, meaning that they used username and password combos that were breached from other sites. The users were reusing weak password combinations and 23andme only had visibility into legitimate login attempts with accurate username and password combos.
Arguably 23andme should not have built out their internal data sharing service quite so broadly, but presumably many users are looking to find long lost relatives, so I understand the rationale for it.
Thus continues the long, sorrowful, swan song of the password.
I completely agree with you. My theory is that there are a whole lot of Americans for whom the public education system failed horribly in their attempt to teach civics.
Oh, and I'm sure racism and sexism are also playing a meaningful role.
I love the design aesthetic Hyundai has been following over the last few years and this concept is no exception.
I disagree. Providing a summary of an article to attempt to please Lemmy's fickle users should absolutely not be a prerequisite to share articles here.
Also, as another user pointed out, this information wasn't even available in OP's link. You clicked through to another article from 2022. Is every post here intended to be a research project? This is how we discourage content from being shared. If you want this info feel free to do your own research and post it in the comments as you've done here, without the snarky remarks.
Lastly, as I seemingly cannot help myself, what in the absolute world are you on about with, "the ICE model starts at just under 40k$." What ICE model was discussed in either article?
Yes, this is not uncommon in US politics.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:
In U.S. politics, the period between (presidential and congressional) elections in November and the inauguration of officials early in the following year is commonly called the "lame-duck period".
A president elected to a second term is sometimes seen as a lame duck from early in the second term, since term limits prevent them from contesting re-election four years later. However, not personally having to face the electorate again makes a second-term president more powerful than they were in their first term as they are thus freer to take politically unpopular actions. However, this comes with caveats; as the de facto leader of their political party, the president's actions affect how the party performs in the midterm elections two years into the second term, and, to some extent, the success of that party's nominee in the next presidential election four years in the future. For these reasons, it can be argued that a president in their second term is not a lame duck at all.
So while you're right that the assertion the author is making is misguided, it's a fallacy that is made often enough that some might conflate it with reality.
I mean shit, Dick Cheney is left of Trump. What does that say?
Good seems pretty subjective tbh but if you're interested in "research", f95zone is probably your best resource.
They DID try. They got under 30k people even willing to provide a signature, much less a vote, and they failed.
Not to mention they're probably paying double for it - once through their taxes for the public school the kids aren't attending plus the tuition for the private school.
Agree that passkeys are the direction we seem to be headed, much to my chagrin.
I agree with the technical advantages. Where passkeys make me uneasy is when considering their disadvantages, which I see primarily as:
There's no silver bullet for the authentication problem, and I don't think the passkey is an exception. What the passkey does provide is relief from credential stuffing, and I'm certain that consumer-facing websites see that as a massive advantage so I expect that eventually passwords will be relegated to the tomes of history, though it will likely be quite a slow process.