[-] viking@infosec.pub 2 points 1 day ago

Also ich hab in Android die Option “use VoIP for calling" aktiviert, aber so wie ich das verstanden hab, entscheidet am Ende doch noch die Telefonie-App, ob der Datendurchsatz ausreichend ist. Entsprechend hab ich keine Ahnung.

Benutze allerdings bewusst VoIP über MobileVoIP, wenn ich Gespräche ins Ausland führen muss (oder aus dem Ausland nach DE), das klappt super. Da hab ich vor 8 Jahren mal so 10 Euro aufgeladen, und es ist immer noch ein bisschen was da. Man kann auch seine Handynummer verifizieren lassen, dann wird die sogar beim Angerufenen im Display angezeigt.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 4 points 2 days ago

General, Academic is when you pursue higher education. I believe even only from Master's level onward, for a Bachelor's the general is sufficient. And if you do get a British Bachelor's, you don't need to provide anything else for a Master's. So that's really only for foreign graduates who are pursuing an advanced degree course in the UK.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 6 points 2 days ago

Pre-radiation Africa? The fuck are they on about?

[-] viking@infosec.pub 8 points 2 days ago

You might as well be talking to a wall. There's no way in hell you're going to change a tankie's mind... I live in China and everybody here knows it's a capitalist society. The five year plans exist mostly on paper. The government will implement it in the sense of making specific grants available for specific target industries.

As a result you'll have a ton of startups in that field popping up, and then slowly burning through the funds over the next 4 years, rinse & repeat. A few companies make it, most just take the cash and die.

They also change the plans often enough, in reaction to the markets. You know, just like any capitalist regime would.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 6 points 3 days ago

Es gibt doch schon seit langem Konverter für 3.5" auf USB. Ist ein Modul, dass in den normalen Einbauschacht von einem Diskettenlaufwerk eingebaut wird und dann über den seriellen Port auf dem Mainboard verkabelt wird. Wenn ich das richtig im Kopf hab, dürfte der Bus bei 8" und 5 1/4" genau gleich angesteuert werden, ist bloß ein anderes Kabel. Das anzupassen dürfte trivial sein.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 9 points 3 days ago

Get yourself a TEFL certificate (168 teaching hours, whatever you can find for cheap) and teach English in a third world country. Schools pay quite well to have a foreign face on their website, and the cost of living will be peanuts. That certificate cost less than 100 bucks, you'll find a million of vouchers everywhere, and it takes maybe 4-6 weeks to complete.

Some of the highest paying countries like China or Korea require a bachelor's degree (any, really) on top of the certificate, but others such as Thailand, Indonesia, or Vietnam don't.

With the money you make there you could then get an online degree from a properly accredited university in a discipline you care for (or if you end up enjoying teaching, that would open the door to some other countries). Pro tip: Look for degrees outside of the US, it's way cheaper, and tuition in English is quite common even in non-native English countries. Personally I went for a UK degree since it's a first world country with a good education record. Paid around 18k for a 3 year program including travel expenses for a 2 week residency. The same in the US would have set me back 60-80k easily.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 5 points 3 days ago

That's an article from 2022 and nothing like this happened or is likely to happen, thanks to data protection / privacy laws.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 8 points 3 days ago

And Django was a far cry from traditional, and only worked because of Tarantino. Costner doesn't have a comparable fan base.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 98 points 3 days ago

Because you are still on Twitter.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You absolutely can mix and match RAM sticks, as long as their specs are the same. It's not necessarily recommended as there might be compatibility issues, but usually ends up working just fine.

[-] viking@infosec.pub 32 points 4 days ago

Scientific writers should be paid, but most of them receive grants for specific research or do their research in their function as employed researchers/lecturers at some university. Their work is then posted on some scalping journals that are charging the author a listing fee, and then charge readers an access fee, which they pocket in its entirety. Scientific authors receive ZERO compensation for their work.

Source: Used to work in academia, published a few articles myself. Best case is that your work is considered "outstanding" and the journal graciously lists it for free instead of charging you for it.

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