I don't have any hearing impairments but just prefer to have my devices muted at all times. I find this style of subtitles far easier to read and pace naturally. Rather than being unable to keep up I could read it much faster, even. My limit based on that speed reader site linked in another comment seems to be somewhere between 600 and 700 words per minute.
I read through it for the details.
It was net negative, requiring 2MW of power to maintain hydrogen plasma in a state analogous to fusion. The major achievement of this particular experiment was doing so without energies equivalent to a fusion reaction damaging the containing assembly.
It was purely a test/demonstration of the containment of fusion-like conditions.
I work at a "Microsoft Shop" in a division that was a previously acquired software developer that used an entirely linux based dev stack.
That stack is still all linux and we basically have to do all our work in WSL. It's a pain.
People find sunsets pretty. That doesn't mean they're heliosexual. Finding a thing aesthetically pleasing is distinct from being sexually or romantically attracted.
Very similar to me!
I was casually into SFV, made it to gold in ranked with Zeku, but never really took it seriously. Played lots of very casual 2/alpha/MvC for many years.
Have put some actual time into SF6 and am climbing through diamond now, and have made appearances at a couple of locals where I did terribly, but it was a lot of fun.
I feel like Master is attainable, and I hope to reach it before phase 7 ends.
I've dabbled with Tekken but it never really hooked me. Always have a blast playing SoulCalibur though!
Discord is okay if you're on discord, though its search is kind of garbage.
If you're not on discord though then it's a content black hole that sequesters information away from the internet at large.
It’s easy to volunteer other people, but these are civil servants who inherently believe in the rule of law by default. That programming in itself makes it hard to go against this lifelong belief in doing things by the book.
It also means risking their livelihood, which I expect in many cases is an even greater deterrent than an aversion to rule breaking.
You're largely correct, "decriminalized" doesn't mean it's legal, but I just wanted to point out that it doesn't necessarily mean unenforced. Just that it's no longer a criminal charge. Something can be decriminalized and still be in violation of the law and enforced with fines or other deterrents, e.g. traffic violations. You're not a criminal for speeding, it's still illegal and enforced.
Tell that to the person who implemented Tetris in Postgresql.
Because they're not Microsoft support. Microsoft Answers is a user forum and the "MVPs" there providing "support" are at best volunteers and at worst bots.
Last question first, yes, kind of. I have some degree of misophonia and hate most extraneous noise. This also extends externally perhaps just as a matter of empathy and makes me uncomfortable when making noise. My partner even complains that I move too quietly and startle her quite often.
To be more specific I prefer my portable devices to be always muted, which is where I consume most short-form content.
For longer content, like movies and shows, I'll generally not be consuming that portably. Though I still strongly prefer to wear headphones so that I'm the only person who hears it.