The PV linked above is from 3 years ago and is for the first novel. Here's a PV from 10 hours ago for the anime. The new PV is mostly just review quotes.
This is called localization.
Information or brevity will always be lost in translation (and communication in general), so the translator needs to pick what information to convey and how to convey it. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a satisfactory localized translation, like translating a pun. Or if the translation has been localizing the Japanese name-honorifics system as whatever the characters in an English speaking country would call each other, but then there is a long dialogue in the show discussing how they are addressing each other; that dialogue can throw a wrench in the translation.
For Love is War, the source joke word was probably ちんちん (chinchin) which is both a childish way to say "penis" (like "poopoo" is a childish way to say 💩, or like "peepee") and a dog trick where the dog sits and begs (it might also have additional meanings). The translator probably had to think about how to make a similar gag with the existing visuals.
Hmm, I can't think of an anime that matches the trailer. That is to say, an anime that is an action-horror demon-world adventure with modern military weapons.
Hole in the ground with horror monsters makes me think of Made in Abyss.
There's a gluttony of anime with monsters in dungeons, like DanMachi, Arifureta, and Solo Leveling.
There's Chained Soldier, which technically takes place in a hell-ish place with monsters that is connected to regular earth. And there's some military element to it.
There's a gate to another world and modern military in Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There!, but no monsters that I recall.
Just throwing some other out there: Hellsing Ultimate, Seraph of the End, WorldEnd, Dimension W, .
When I hear arctic demon, I can't help but think about The Thing, which isn't anime.
You can try crossposting to, which is more active. Or post in their next weekly discussion thread.
We get some, uh, character development with Destiny, we get introduced to Justice (and actual character development), and we have a brief encounter with lady-bird.
It was a bit hard to watch the end with all the foreshadowing that Natsuko was going to mess things up.
Also, I like how the village chief's attire serves as an excuse for Destiny's clothing, but they don't force feed you this excuse.
The only one who could make Luke smile from the bottom of his heart was Destiny.
Serval Cat Mask becomes the heroine.
Hm, at the end it looks like Natsuko is noticing some of the suspicious behavior, which might not have been in the original story. Or maybe it was in the story and Natsuko is just playing it cool.
More Screenshots
That is my... Beautiful!
My actual solution ran in about 2.5 seconds, but I optimized it to run in about 1 second.
sub MAIN($input) {
my $file = open $input;
my @connection-list := $file.slurp.trim.lines>>.split("-")>>.List.List;
my %connections;
my %all-computers is SetHash;
for @connection-list -> @c {
my ($first, $second) = @c.sort;
%connections{$first} = [] if %connections{$first}:!exists;
%connections{$second} = [] if %connections{$second}:!exists;
for %connections.values -> $list is rw {
$list = $list.sort.List;
my $part1-solution = 0;
for %connections.keys -> $c1 {
for %connections{$c1}.Seq -> $c2 {
for (%connections{$c1} ∩ %connections{$c2}).keys -> $c3 {
next unless ($c1, $c2, $c3).any.substr(0,1) eq "t";
say "part1 solution: $part1-solution";
my $part2-solution = find-max-party((), %connections, %all-computers).join(",");
say "part2 solution: $part2-solution";
sub find-max-party(@party, %connections, %available-members) {
my @max-party = @party;
for %available-members.keys.sort -> $c1 {
my @new-party := (|@party, $c1);
my %new-available-members := %available-members ∩ %connections{$c1};
my @max-party-candidate = find-max-party(@new-party, %connections, %new-available-members);
@max-party = @max-party-candidate if @max-party-candidate.elems > @max-party.elems;
last if @max-party.elems == @party.elems + %available-members.elems;
return @max-party;
I spent way to much time tweaking the part 2 code to get a working solution. The solution itself is quite simple, though.
sub MAIN($input) {
grammar Input {
token TOP { <register-a> "\n" <register-b> "\n" <register-c> "\n\n" <program> "\n"* }
token register-a { "Register A: " (\d+) }
token register-b { "Register B: " (\d+) }
token register-c { "Register C: " (\d+) }
token program { "Program: " (\d)+%"," }
my $parsed = Input.parsefile($input);
my $register-a = $parsed<register-a>[0].Int;
my $register-b = $parsed<register-b>[0].Int;
my $register-c = $parsed<register-c>[0].Int;
my @program = $parsed<program>[0]>>.Int;
my $part1-solution = run-program($register-a, $register-b, $register-c, @program).join(",");
say "part1 solution: $part1-solution";
my $part2-solution = search-for-quine(0, $register-b, $register-c, @program, 0);
say "part2-solution: $part2-solution";
sub run-program($a, $b, $c, @program) {
my ($register-a, $register-b, $register-c) Z= ($a, $b, $c);
my $pc = 0;
my @output;
while $pc < @program.elems {
my ($opcode, $operand) Z= @program[$pc, $pc+1];
my $combo = (given $operand {
when 0..3 { $operand }
when 4 { $register-a }
when 5 { $register-b }
when 6 { $register-c }
when 7 { Nil }
default { say "invalid operand $operand"; exit; }
given $opcode {
when 0 { $register-a = $register-a div (2 ** $combo); }
when 1 { $register-b = $register-b +^ $operand; }
when 2 { $register-b = $combo mod 8; }
when 3 { $pc = $operand - 2 if $register-a != 0; }
when 4 { $register-b = $register-b +^ $register-c; }
when 5 { @output.push($combo mod 8); }
when 6 { $register-b = $register-a div (2 ** $combo); }
when 7 { $register-c = $register-a div (2 ** $combo); }
default { say "invalid opcode $opcode"; exit; }
$pc += 2;
return @output;
sub search-for-quine($a, $b, $c, @program, $idx) {
return $a if $idx == @program.elems;
for ^8 {
my $test-solution = $a * 8 + $_;
my @output = run-program($test-solution, $b, $c, @program);
my @program-slice = @program[*-1-$idx..*];
if @program-slice eqv @output {
my $found = search-for-quine($test-solution, $b, $c, @program, $idx+1);
if $found {
return $found;
# Time to back track...
return False;
Pretty straight-forward problem today.
sub MAIN($input) {
my $file = open $input;
my @map = $file.slurp.trim.lines>>.comb>>.Int;
my @pos-tracking = [] xx 10;
for 0..^@map.elems X 0..^@map[0].elems -> ($row, $col) {
@pos-tracking[@map[$row][$col]].push(($row, $col).List);
my %on-possible-trail is default([]);
my %trail-score-part2 is default(0);
for 0..^@pos-tracking.elems -> $height {
for @pos-tracking[$height].List -> ($row, $col) {
if $height == 0 {
%on-possible-trail{"$row;$col"} = set ("$row;$col",);
%trail-score-part2{"$row;$col"} = 1;
} else {
for ((1,0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)) -> @neighbor-direction {
my @neighbor-position = ($row, $col) Z+ @neighbor-direction;
next if @neighbor-position.any < 0 or (@neighbor-position Z>= (@map.elems, @map[0].elems)).any;
next if @map[@neighbor-position[0]][@neighbor-position[1]] != $height - 1;
%on-possible-trail{"$row;$col"} ∪= %on-possible-trail{"{@neighbor-position[0]};{@neighbor-position[1]}"};
%trail-score-part2{"$row;$col"} += %trail-score-part2{"{@neighbor-position[0]};{@neighbor-position[1]}"};
my $part1-solution = @pos-tracking[9].map({%on-possible-trail{"{$_[0]};{$_[1]}"}.elems}).sum;
say "part 1: $part1-solution";
my $part2-solution = @pos-tracking[9].map({%trail-score-part2{"{$_[0]};{$_[1]}"}}).sum;
say "part 2: $part2-solution";
sub MAIN($input) {
my $file = open $input;
my @map = $file.slurp.lines>>.comb>>.List.List;
my %freqs;
for 0..^@map.elems -> $row {
for 0..^@map[0].elems -> $col {
if @map[$row; $col] ne "." {
my $freq = @map[$row; $col];
%freqs{$freq} = [] if %freqs{$freq}:!exists;
%freqs{$freq}.push(($row, $col));
my %antinodes is SetHash;
for %freqs.kv -> $freq, @locations {
for (0..^@locations.elems) X (0..^@locations.elems) -> ($loc1, $loc2) {
next if $loc1 == $loc2;
my @base = @locations[$loc1].List;
my @vector = @locations[$loc2].List Z- @base;
my @antinode1 = @base Z+* * 2);
%antinodes{@antinode1.List.raku}++ if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode1);
my @antinode2 = @base Z+* * -1);
%antinodes{@antinode2.List.raku}++ if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode2);
my $part1-solution = %antinodes.elems;
say "part 1: $part1-solution";
my %antinodes2 is SetHash;
for %freqs.kv -> $freq, @locations {
for (0..^@locations.elems) X (0..^@locations.elems) -> ($loc1, $loc2) {
next if $loc1 == $loc2;
my @base = @locations[$loc1].List;
my @vector = @locations[$loc2].List Z- @base;
# make integer unit-ish vector
for 2..@vector[0] -> $divisor {
if @vector[0] %% $divisor and @vector[1] %% $divisor {
@vector[0] = @vector[0] div $divisor;
@vector[1] = @vector[1] div $divisor;
for 0..max(@map.elems, @map[0].elems) -> $length {
my @antinode = @base Z+* * $length);
if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode) {
} else {
for 1..max(@map.elems, @map[0].elems) -> $length {
my @antinode = @base Z+* * -$length);
if point-is-in-map(@map, @antinode) {
} else {
my $part2-solution = %antinodes2.elems;
say "part 2: $part2-solution";
sub point-is-in-map(@map, @point) {
return False if !(0 <= @point[0] < @map.elems);
return False if !(0 <= @point[1] < @map[0].elems);
return True;
Oof, my struggle to make custom index walking paths for part 1 did not pay off for part 2.
sub MAIN($input) {
my $file = (open $input).slurp;
my @grid is List = $file.lines».comb».list;
my @transposedGrid is List = [Z] @grid;
my @reversedGrid is List = @grid».reverse;
my @transposedReversedGrid is List = @transposedGrid».reverse;
my @horizontalScanRows is List = generateScanHorizontal(@grid);
my @transposedHorizontalScanRows is List = generateScanHorizontal(@transposedGrid);
my @part-one-counts = [];
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@grid, @horizontalScanRows)); # Right
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@transposedGrid, @transposedHorizontalScanRows)); # Down
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@reversedGrid, @horizontalScanRows)); # Left
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@transposedReversedGrid, @transposedHorizontalScanRows)); # Up
my @diagonalScanRows is List = generateScanDiagonal(@grid);
my @transposedDiagonalScanRows is List = generateScanDiagonal(@transposedGrid);
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@grid, @diagonalScanRows)); # Down Right
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@grid, @diagonalScanRows».reverse)); # Up Left
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@reversedGrid, @diagonalScanRows)); # Down Left
@part-one-counts.push(count-xmas(@reversedGrid, @diagonalScanRows».reverse)); # Up Right
my $part-one-solution = @part-one-counts.sum;
say "part 1: $part-one-solution";
my @part-two-counts = [];
@part-two-counts.push(countGridMatches(@grid, (<M . S>,<. A .>,<M . S>)));
@part-two-counts.push(countGridMatches(@grid, (<S . S>,<. A .>,<M . M>)));
@part-two-counts.push(countGridMatches(@grid, (<S . M>,<. A .>,<S . M>)));
@part-two-counts.push(countGridMatches(@grid, (<M . M>,<. A .>,<S . S>)));
my $part-two-solution = @part-two-counts.sum;
say "part 2: $part-two-solution";
sub count-xmas(@grid, @scanRows) {
my $xmas-count = 0;
for @scanRows -> @scanRow {
my $xmas-pos = 0;
for @scanRow -> @pos {
my $char = @grid[@pos[0]][@pos[1]];
if "X" eq $char {
$xmas-pos = 1;
}elsif <X M A S>[$xmas-pos] eq $char {
if $xmas-pos == 3 {
$xmas-pos = 0;
$xmas-count += 1;
} else {
$xmas-pos += 1;
} else {
$xmas-pos = 0;
return $xmas-count;
sub generateScanHorizontal(@grid) {
# Horizontal
my $rows = @grid.elems;
my $cols = @grid[0].elems;
my @scanRows = ();
for 0..^$rows -> $row {
my @scanRow = ();
for 0..^$cols -> $col {
@scanRow.push(($row, $col));
return @scanRows.List».List;
sub generateScanDiagonal(@grid) {
# Down-right diagonal
my $rows = @grid.elems;
my $cols = @grid[0].elems;
my @scanRows = ();
for 0..^($rows + $cols - 1) -> $diag {
my @scanRow = ();
my $starting-row = max(-$cols + $diag + 1, 0);
my $starting-col = max($rows - $diag - 1, 0);
my $diag-len = min($rows - $starting-row, $cols - $starting-col);
for 0..^$diag-len -> $diag-pos {
@scanRow.push(($starting-row + $diag-pos, $starting-col + $diag-pos));
return @scanRows.List».List;
sub countGridMatches(@grid, @needle) {
my $count = 0;
for 0..(@grid.elems - @needle.elems) -> $top {
for 0..(@grid[$top].elems - @needle[0].elems) -> $left {
for 0..^@needle.elems -> $row-offset {
for 0..^@needle[$row-offset].elems -> $col-offset {
my $needle-char = @needle[$row-offset][$col-offset];
next if $needle-char eq ".";
next TOP-LEFT if $needle-char ne @grid[$top+$row-offset][$left+$col-offset];
$count += 1;
return $count;
I was a bit unenthusiastic going into this episode, thinking that it might be some drawn-out flashback. While the flashbacks were long, I found the whole episode to be a fun trek through Natsuko's inadvertent romcom maneater adolescence.
Each flashback had little surprises, while also emphasizing how Natsuko is 200% dedicated to her craft.
Fukushima's (the animation studio's president) perspective was also interesting. Drawing a parallel between Natsuko and the director of A Tale of Perishing (who, unlike the bird, is smiling in Fukushima's recollection), and challenging Natsuko to surpass her current limitations.