Happy birthday mage ! And thank you @pmjv for all the entertainment and high quality content ♥️
Of course her brain runs doom !
Can we stop blaming the network for unknown errors please ? Thank you.
Your network admin, probably.
Oh wow I had no idea this existed, but yeah at first glance, this looks like a dead-end. That's definitely not how you're supposed to do it (and it doesn't look like it could work anyway).
::: spoiler
You were on the right track at first, except it's not http. Look for other proxy settings in git-config(1)
Thanks for this very detailed answer !
chapter 0x02
You did right with curl. Though there are other gopher clients that could have worked this way (but not all of them support torsocks).
The Ygg part is what I want to make more clear, because when you're at the gopher hole, you shouldn't really care about the nmap/passwd/wtmp file. Your only goal should be to setup Ygg and proceed with the info from the wiki. And that's definitely not clear enough from the feedbacks I got from this chapter.
Now regarding your current problem on chapt.3:
chapter 0x03
"chisel" is only there because I couldn't find a better rhyme haha.
Now to get you onto the correct direction: there are 2 socks5 proxies. One that you can use right away to only let you fetch the puzzle, and one that you'll use later on to get full access to the mine.
Perhaps I should look into making the hint more explicit at this stage too. I'll look into it ;)
Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you're enjoying it and hope you'll get through it, because the funniest part remains !
The OpenBlade should be renamed OpenBard: prettify stories, lies, likes being thrown out.
Can't wait for it to join Lo0 as a secondary singer tbh !
"And I took that personally"
I guess you can't save them all ;)
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