[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 17 points 6 months ago

Adding that the scrubs part is specific to that location as not all hospitals follow that. Ours allows clothes from home if they meet certain requirements (and are thoroughly checked first). The only time scrubs would be used is if someone didn’t have enough clothes or if they came in like on a hold as you mentioned and nothing was available that was deemed safe. I know there are some places that just use the same outfits for everyone regardless. Our location also doesn’t do mandatory outside time or anything like that. Time spent in different groups, community areas, and outside are all just really encouraged. If someone is avoiding that thing then they process it with a psychiatrist as it’s usually due to something like depressive symptoms getting in the way and we want to address that.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 140 points 6 months ago

Hi! Mental health social worker here- it’s for the patient’s safety, safety of other patients, and worker safety. Many people coming in are there because they’re at risk of harming themselves. Staff have to make sure (1) nothing that could possibly be used as as a weapon on themselves or others is identified and removed and (2) a thorough status of the patients needs documented when they come in. Oftentimes, people come in with injuries or conditions they either don’t mention or don’t realize are issues. If someone has that on their body and it’s not documented at intake then it could later be used as saying they received an injury while staying at the hospital. Many people coming in are depressed but are without a typical sense of reality and just need a safe place to be temporarily but some people coming in are having full psychotic episodes where they’re not in the same reality and information is misconstrued, they’re experiencing paranoia and making statements that people are hurting them, etc. I know that the process of everything must be really difficult especially when you’re there because you’re already going through something difficult but it’s kind of the only way to ensure everyone is safe. Unfortunately, staff can’t go strictly off what someone says or does to determine what intake process they have since there’s a large amount of people coming in who say one thing but you quickly find out a very different thing is going on with them. Hope all the best for you! I don’t work directly in our inpatient hospital but adjacent/work on processing their assessments for the state so still somewhat familiar and I worked in a residential setting with minors previously. If you hear someone in social work state that “anything can become a weapon,” they’re not kidding. I’ve had so many innocuous things become weapons in my time.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 9 points 6 months ago

He’s done making videos and handing the channel off to some other people. Never watched his stuff just what Google says.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

For chain grocery stores, there’s only a handful of companies but you likely are familiar with the names they might use locally.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

Idk. Our Aldi’s is mostly cheaper. On some things where they’re priced similarly, Aldi’s still has the better quality (at least produce). I’ve tried shopping at our Walmart for years but can’t cause the produce is horrendous. I’m not even looking for anything amazing- but can’t shop there cause the produce is either empty, half rotten, or other issues. Plus it’s just faster for me to get in and out of Aldi’s than Walmart and a better experience overall. I go to Meijer if I need to get anything non-grocery related or not at Aldi.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 25 points 7 months ago

My recliner that I bought with one of the first Covid check. I have horrendous back issues (3 major surgeries and constant pain) and having another resting/sleep area has been a lifesaver many times. Currently pregnant and it’s one of the only places I can sleep.

This set of 2 grabbers from Amazon. They weren’t super expensive but nicer than other grabbers commonly bought by others. They have been used daily by me, my toddler plays with them, they get dropped, etc. and they perform so well. I can pick up the tiniest item off the floor, a piece of paper, etc. with no issues. Had them 3 years. I keep one on each floor of the house and they save my back so much. It’s one of the only ways I can do chores and keep the floor clean from a toddler.

Silly, but this last year I really appreciated having a laminator at home. It’s nothing fancy- just a simple one from Scotch from the store. I’ve laminated different rules for games (card games where we wrote out the rules) and my son absolutely LOVES when I draw him characters and items from his favorite shows, laminate them, and then he plays with them for months. It’s saved us a ton of money buying toys he doesn’t need, stores easily, and he loves it. It also gets out some of the creative side that I kind of lost the last few years.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 1 points 7 months ago

One of the major issues is counterfeit baby products, specifically sleep products. In the US, sleep spaces for babies are highly regulated. The terms “bassinet, crib, and playard” are terms that can only be used for products that pass rigorous ASTM testing. If something doesn’t complete that testing then they are not allowed to use one of those terms in ads or on their manual. This is why you’ll see many products listed as “loungers” because they’re not safe for sleep. There are hundreds of products online that are horribly made and steal manuals of actual approved products. Amazon is notified (groups I’m in notify them) and they don’t care. There are also products that aren’t knock-off versions of things but just flat out lie and say a product is safe for sleep when it isn’t and will use one of the protected terms - which makes the sale of them illegal.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 4 points 7 months ago

They do as long as they have enough evidence to back up their request to remove the children. The problem is, there are a ton of really messed up things and emotional abuse but emotional abuse is one of the hardest things to prove. So people get mad that children haven’t been removed but don’t understand that it’s really hard to do. Things like physical abuse are easy for removal cause there’s usually obvious signs once an investigation has taken place. I don’t work for CPS but adjacent to them- any children they remove are referred to my agency where we do the follow up mental health treatment and visits for the family.

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 3 points 7 months ago

You’re supposed to post before you leave (however you interpret that). I think they’re saying “Rule” in their posts to show they’re posting to follow that rule. That’s my interpretation anyway- only been here like a week and trying to figure out Lemmy

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago

It’s super popular now. And then what happens is, if they do decide to go to the hospital, it’s super late to do anything. The baby is either already dead or has HIE (brain damage from lack of oxygen). It literally happens in a couple minutes and can happen if you’re already admitted and on the delivery floor, let alone at home or in the freakin woods. THEN what happens is whatever poor outcome is the result of their choices is now counted towards the hospital as having X number of deaths or whatever and they they cycle that info through their groups as, “See, this is why you don’t go to the hospital.”

[-] wildebeesties@lemmy.world 35 points 7 months ago

As a social worker, this is 100% something that would get CPS involved then they’d continue to stay involved for the many, many things I’m sure they’d uncover. Medical neglect is the first major thing that is an easy way for them to open a case (some things take a ton of proof but this is pretty cut and dry). Also, you can get in serious trouble for not registering a baby in the US within a certain time frame. Hope someone called CPS on her. Wild.

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