[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 23 points 2 weeks ago

The article title seems to oversimplify things a little with the "too hard" bit. I read a couple dozen negative reviews, and most cite poor performance, copy-paste boss design, too much hp and/or too little player damage, and unfair mechanics. Sure, those last two aspects could be seen as "too hard", but they read like there's a difficulty spike from the base game. Whether this is a case of players needing to adapt or whether there's an actual issue here, I don't know, but seems there's more to this than just a case of players complaining about a hard game being hard.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 25 points 2 weeks ago

I think he's liked more because he's relatable, rather than he's an interesting character. Personally, I think his pranks on Dwight are amusing, but everything else about him is nothing special.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 15 points 1 month ago

Haven't played it myself, but from what a friend who has played it told me and from what I've read, the game was pretty buggy after launch, and the devs didn't put much post-launch work into it.

Also, it's an isometric ARPG, akin to Diablo, rather than a MOBA. Check out Last Epoch if you're looking for a good ARPG.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 76 points 1 month ago

"I fucked your mom"

Oh, so now you're disappointing other people's parents?

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 31 points 1 month ago

The article states that the PS5 is responsible for significantly more gaming hours, so a large number of PS4 users are likely mainly using their device for streaming or similar. Hell, I still have my PS2 and 3 in my closet since they're my only dvd and blu ray players.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 32 points 1 month ago

You play until you're no longer having fun, then you stop.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 87 points 1 month ago

They don't care about their own long term survival. Their goal is to boost the next quarter and collect their bonuses, and when things go south, they jump ship with their golden parachutes and head to their next executive job.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 23 points 2 months ago

I had over 11k hrs in WoW when I quit. That was over the span of 12 years and definitely included some extended breaks, but there were also long periods of 6-10 hrs a day for extended periods.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 18 points 2 months ago

Not specifically a command, but my dog knows the sound of me taking my headset off. She figured out that me taking my headset off means I'm getting up, which means there's a chance I'll let her outside.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 61 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)
[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 17 points 3 months ago

I was a bit confused since I thought they did this a while ago, and yes... video posted 3 years ago. Still a good watch.

My current chair is a gaming chair, but whenever it gives out, I'll most likely go back to an office chair. I do like the reclining feature that most gaming chairs have, though.

[-] wirelesswire@kbin.run 14 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I have a couple hundred hrs in and I would definitely say it's good. It's clear the devs care about making a good game, rather than just a financially successful one. If you're into ARPGs, it's worth the asking price.

It's worth noting that with the 1.0 launch, there have been connection and loading issues, but they're working through them and should (hopefully) be resolved soon.

Edit: I should also add that complexity-wise, it strikes a happy medium between Path of Exile and Diablo 4. There is a lot of customization depth between passives and skills, but it doesn't feel like you need a college degree just to theorycraft a build. You can also reset all passive and skill points, so you're free to experiment.

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