That's actually a great strategy. It is perplexing to me to see the incivility of common conservative discourse online with other people they percieve as being "left wing" that others who read such exchanges could see anything other than it being childish and crude, especially when the other party is participating in a respectful manner. For myself, I don't resort to using incivilty against incivility but end up concluding that it's a waste of my emotional stamina to continue a discussion where one side insults and denigrates me as a matter of course. I'll keep your idea in mind next time I encounter such a time. Keep doing the hard work ;)
I never used it myself, but I appreciated that it existed nonetheless.
Bravo on showing such respectful and good-natured civility towards someone who is undoubtedly a troll. I applaud your restraint. However, I think you entertained their obvious bad faith arguing for far too long. It's quite clear that they are hostile towards communism and are being deliberately combative and insulting to try and get a reaction out of someone. Unfortunately, as the Reddit floodgates begin to burst, I am sure many more trolls and hostile reactionaries whilr be flooding Lemmy for the forseeable future. Stay strong, comrade <3
There's a difference between support and pointing out blatant US propaganda. Like I said above, many people across the fediverse don't get the nuance of being critical of US narratives does not equal supporting the regimes that are on the recieving end of that propaganda. If you really spent any amount of time on .ml you'd see there is plenty of criticism of Russia/China, just not to the extent where everyone unquestioningly takes any criticism by US sources at face value.
Wherever it stems from it's getting annoying to deal with the influx of "enlightened centrists" that have the idea that anyone left of Biden/Harris is a secret Russian/Chinese disinfo agent :/
Give yourself all the time you need. Grief needs room to be able to manage. It took me a looong time to deal with the world again when my fiance passed, and I'm still figuring it out.
As hard as it is try and do little things to keep yourself sane, even things like cooking, cleaning and going for a walk get very hard to do, but if you don't make time your emotions will get even harder to manage. I neglected a lot of things and it really brought me to a bad place.
My heart goes out to you, take care of yourself. Sending love your way <3
Ah, I see. Good to know.
Hmm, that make sense. I suppose due to the quality of the tv you'd get dimishing returns the higher the fidelity of the set. I honestly have only been slightly curious about RGB, but never enough to go for it. Somehow I always suspected that it wasn't quite worth the effort.
On the Android app?
For sure! Such a trip it made it on the DS, with a level editor even.
Don't worry about the other posters trying to dissuade you from It's a very chill instance. It gets flack because it is run by and has a majority leftist base, but that shouldn't be an issue if you consider yourself a progressive. The "tankie" slurs are frankly b.s. and disingenuous. I wouldn't call the sub "pro-Russia/China" by any means, the users are anti-imperialist and realistic in the nature of US propaganda depicting other states as bogeymen. Just because you question the mainstream US-centric narrative doesn't mean you're shilling for China/Russia etc. There's a lot of liberals and centrists, that despite their progressive sentiments they may hold, are still very beholden to the narrative of American exceptionalism in a lot of ways.
It's seriously getting old at this point. I've noticed there's been an uptick in hostility towards over the past year. I can only assume it's related to the reddit migration. Unfortunately I only forsee it getting worse as more people migrate over.
Well, I appreciate the primer you linked in this thread. I was already reading Blackshirts and Reds, but now have some other material to read in conjunction with it. Take care, friend <3