Hi, my name is Khan and I am the person behind Devabhumi. I am of Indian origin, and I have always been interested in non-European rpg settings. There is such a treasure trove of untapped stories, monsters, and legends in Indian Culture, which can provide fresh and unique content for your campaigns.

Devabhumi is a high fantasy TTRPG setting inspired by the history and epics of Ancient India. This setting features:

  • 100+ pages of lore
  • 8 new races
  • 20+ historical weapons and armor
  • 25 monsters inspired by Indian folklore

And much more!

You can check out the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/silvercompassmaps/devabhumi-a-dandd-5e-setting-inspired-by-ancient-india

submitted 2 weeks ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Dr. Dhrolin's Dictionary of Dinosaurs is a monster book for D&D 5e written by paleontologists Drs. Nathan Barling and Michael O'Sullivan is gettinf a Pathfinder 2e conversion.

The book features realistic dinosaurs and paleontologically accurate (as of 2023) background information, as well as artwork by paleo-artist Dr. Mark Witton.

I'm maybe a little too excited about this one. I was a dinosaur kid growing up.

Buried somewhere in the announcement post on reddit is some really interesting creature adjustments coming with the book. u/Linda_Zayas_Palmer, a former Paizo developer who consulted on the conversion, dropped this:

Roughly 4 level -1 adjustments, 20 level +0 adjustments, 75 level +1 adjustments, and 20 level +2 adjustments.

So it's going to be a massive toolkit for GMs.

At level -1, we've got things like thin dermis, which includes vulnerability to slashing damage.

At level +0, we have things that you might be looking for to change your creature's habitat but that aren't going to make significant difference to their power level. Concepts like wader, which helps with moving through shallow water, and pneumitisation, which makes your creature a bit faster at the expense of making them easier to topple over.

At level +1, there are tons of examples. Some of them are more defensive, like a bony frill that can be raised defensively. Others grant new Strikes or reactions, ranging from the realistic, like adding a horn attack, to the fantastical, like a dinosaur with web-shooting spinnerets or the ability to shoot off psychic mind rays. And others do a variety of other concepts that I'm not previewing just yet :)

At level +2, we start getting into concepts like super-tanky creatures with thick armoured plates and creatures with neurotoxic venom.

You can find the original announcement here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1dfy8r0/british_palaeontologists_excited_by_pathfinder/


I believe there are many such examples, but the particular one I’m thinking of right now is the Cold Spot haunt which states that a character is clumsy 1 if they critically fail. When would they stop being clumsy 1?


This isn't strictly a Pathfinder thing but I like this community.

Basically, there is this meme that Human Figher is a "boring" default choice or sign of an uncreative character. I disagree. Picking out a weird ancestry is not creative. Choosing a human fighter basically means that you get zero flavor from your ancestry and class - so you are forced to get creative yourself. You are forced to give your character a personality, and you are forced to solve problems creatively.

For me, the stereotype is the opposite - if a player chooses an esoteric ancestry and class combo, I worry that their characters whole personality is just their ancestry.

Of course both humans and other ancestries make for great characters if done right.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/MeiraTheTiefling on Reddit has released a homebrew Sorcerer subclass for feedback and testing:

I try to keep my homebrew as close as possible to official design standards, so feedback is always welcome!


Q: Can I share your content or use it in my games? A: Absolutely! Please credit me as MeiraTheTiefling when sharing with others. Also, if this ever hits your table, I would love it if you reached out to me eventually to let me know how it plays :)

Q: When might the Thornmaw Snapper make saving throws? A: Any time it makes sense, e.g. if it's affected by an indiscriminate AoE (like Howling Blizzard) or a reasonable creature-targeting ability (like Ignition). If there's any doubt, the GM has the final call. Note that its Tendrils never make saving throws, as they're only affected by attacks that deal damage.

To check out my other work (mostly 5e homebrew as of now), visit my Homebrewery page!

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

The-Magic-Sword from, like, all of the other Pathfinder forums was live-recapping the PaizoCon presentations. Linking them below:


Godsrain Panel

Starfinder 2e Panel

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

With Howl of the Wild released, the wider community seems to be turning its attentions to Player Core 2 now. The new hotness is "what do you expect from {class} in PC2?"

So, what does the Threadiverse expect from the classes in PC2? We know Alchemist, Champion, Oracle, and Sorcerer are all in line to get some kind of meaningful touch-up.

  • One of Oracle's class features just got generalized to the whole game
  • Champion needs adjustments to account for the removal of alignment. And with the Guardian seemingly stepping into the non-religious defender role, the Champion could see its theming further narrowed.
  • Sorcerer needs some of its bloodlines to be reflavoured to disentangle it from the OGL
  • They said they wanted to make Alchemist not suck-out-loud for players who don't have the most mastered of system mastry.

But what does this mean exactly, in your estimation?

Personally, I'm seeing people starting to get hyped, and I think they're all going to be sorely disappointed by the scope of any updates in this release. I'm expecting modest changes to the chases of Oracle and Champion, some tweaks to TEML progression for Alchemist, and no chassis tweaks at all for Sorcerer, with Oracle and Champion getting additional feat support in War of the Immortals.

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Paizo Design Manager Michael Sayre just dropped some long-awaited errata on us, marking a return to the 2022 plan of regular errata updates.

The current release includes errata for Guns & Gear, Firebrands, Rage of Elements, and Howl of the Wild, and a promise of another errata drop in the fall/winter period.


Hi, my name is Khan and I am the person behind Devabhumi. I am of Indian origin, and I have always been interested in non-European rpg settings. There is such a treasure trove of untapped stories, monsters, and legends in Indian Culture, which can provide fresh and unique content for your campaigns. Devabhumi is a high fantasy TTRPG setting inspired by the history and epics of Ancient India. This setting features:

  • 100+ pages of lore
  • A karma mechanic
  • 6 new races
  • 20+ backgrounds and feats
  • And much more!

You can sign up for the Kickstarter here.

We are going live in 3 days!

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Over on the 2e subreddit, u/EzekieruYT let everyone know that they'd stumbled across a pre-launch Kickstarter project called Pathfinder: Dragon's Demand. Speculation swirled for a bit before former Paizo Marketing Director Aaron Shanks chimed in to quietly announce the title, and confirm that it's being built on the 2e ruleset.

No details have been announced yet, and the studio behind it doesn't have a deep catalogue, so who knows what it'll actually look like in the end. People are getting hyped for PaizoCon, though.


On my last session of d&d combat took too long and I had to apologize for it to my players. One player, who is a Pathfinder 2e player, said it's nothing compared to long fights he had in that system, where between party of high level casters, boss, minions and enemy spellcasters, he would be waiting a whole hour for his next turn. I certainly want to at least have one Pathfinder 2e campaign among options to present to this group after we finish current one, so how much is this a general problem and not his group's problem and are there some ways to avoid this long combat?

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/corsica1990 has posted the results of their survey from last week, asking if we could identify creatures weakest saving throws from their art alone.

The slide deck (linked in the title, above) gives the creature description, the actual save values, and the number of responses for each save, as well as brief commentary reflecting how much more difficult the majority response would make the fight for cases where the we collectively got it wrong.

Their thread on Reddit is available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cpu5ug/i_made_a_saving_throw_quiz_last_week_here_are_the/

Their original post is over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cj1rjx/how_easy_is_it_to_guess_a_creatures_worst_saving/

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/Vorath on Reddit has a Hyrule bestiary on Scribe to go with u/Tragedi's player and GM documents.

I present to you, The Legend of Zelda Monster Core!


And its supplementary bestiaries (all linked on the first page of The Legend of Zelda Monster Core)

Original Post (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeldaTabletop/comments/1cl6wf6/pf2e_the_legend_of_zelda_monster_core_and/

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/Tragedi, the creator behind the Legend of Zelda conversion for Pathfinder 2e Paths of Hyrule, has released v1.3 of their player and GM resources, and announced that v1.4 is currently in the works, building off of Howl of the Wild content.

Formerly known as Adventures in Hyrule, Paths of Hyrule is a massive total conversion homebrew supplement for PF2e that I've been working on for the past year or so. It currently features 19 feature-complete ancestries, a slew of new backgrounds, animal companions, specific familiars, spells, class feats, subclasses, deities, archetypes, and items. Needless to say this project is a massive undertaking that aims to provide you with all the tools you need to run fully Zelda-themed campaigns regardless of your preferred Zelda game or era.

Paths of Hyrule Player Core 1.3: Scribe, PDF

Paths of Hyrule GM Core 1.3: Scribe, PDF

Pathbuilder Pack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1euSWHql7q1P548RQpL40pnAGp4uZJyG5/view?usp=sharing

Tragedi's Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ampVnNdZ

Original Post (Reddit): https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cncuc6/paths_of_hyrule_v13_a_zelda_supplement_for_pf2e/

submitted 1 month ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/AvtrSpirit over on Reddit has released some interesting homebrew rules for defeat, Hero Points, and martial attrition using the Wounded condition. I thought they were worth spreading around some.

The comments on Hero Points in particular made me realize that many tables are much more stingy with HPs than I would have expected. Players love Hero Points. Are y'all not just handing them out like candy?

Heroic Defeat:

Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cbjw8c/heroic_defeat_variant_v2_fewer_rules_all_feedback/

Anti-frustration mechanics + MCDM's victories and recoveries:

Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cn50gc/heroic_variant_part_2_antifrustration_mechanics/


I stumbled upon this and couldn't find any definite answers.

The Escape action states that you can use Athletics, Acrobatics, or your unarmed attack modifier. However, it specifically says that you use your modifier and not an actual attack. While fists have the Finesse trait, the regular attack does not - so am I correct in assuming that if you have a higher Dex than Str, that you can only use Dex with acrobatics, not with the unarmed attack modifier?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

u/corsica1990 over on th'other site posted a survey a few days ago, trying to figure out how easily people could intuit creatures' worst saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will) based on just the creature's name and bestiary art.

How'd you do? Also, will you, too, forever have nightmares about jellyfish clam squids? Because I ain't ever unseeing that.

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

It's been a little over 24 hours since the Battlecry playtest dropped, and while opinions on Commander are overwhelmingly positive (seriously, I think people might be disappointed when it goes to print; the class is borderline OP, and this level of excitement's going to invite a closer look by the designers), peoples thoughts on Guardian are...

Well, let's just call them extremely polarized. Like, many people are reacting to the class like it shot their spouse or something, and I'm more than a little bit surprised.

Personally, I see a lot to like in the Guardian. Even some things to love. Like the Commander, it's a class built for managing and controlling a battle field. The Commander is all about empowering the PCs to do more in a round, while the Guardian is focused on restraining enemy options. They're both classes designed for facing larger groups of creatures, and leveraging pre-firearms infantry tactics and maneuvers.

Without actually playing it yet, I suspect the Guardian could use a little bit of a survivability buff, while also being concerned that Taunt doesn't provide enough of an incentive shift to pull a mob off of a squishy ally. But it seems very well suited for forming and maintaining a proper front line (as opposed to a martial morass).

It makes me wonder what else is coming with Battlecry. Coming off of the War of the Immortals, are we getting proper troop combat or something?

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

It truly be Christmas in April!

User u/Urumii has released their 2e conversion guide for We Be Goblins Free! This is just a conversion document, not a rewrite (due to copyright), but it should help anyone wanting to try out the third (fird?) installment of the We Be Goblins series.

They also have guides for the first two adventures in the series, linked below.

We Be Goblins Free

Direct Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jC6McjxxGxAmR1HCJN-pc2Jktlzp1T8LA25trhneGyM/edit#gid=0

Original Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1cgp0mp/we_be_goblins_free_conversion_from_1e_to_2e/

We Be Goblins, Too!

Direct Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/13ologj/we_be_goblins_too_conversion_from_1e_to_2e/

We Be Goblins!

Direct Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KJhO38q8F1gNxHjo2R7TrmEFjzWw3CeN/view

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

@ForesterDesigns@kind.social has a series of Pokemon inspired DnD magical items that they've been porting to Pathfinder 2e, and they're on the Fediverse! You can follow them from Mastodon, Akkoma, Pelroma, Friendica, Hubzilla, kbin, GotoSocial, Misskey/Foundkey/IceShrimp, other Misskey forks, etc. etc. Most Fediverse platforms that allows you to follow users, and not just groups.

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Paizo has released two new martial classes for testing!


The commander is an Intelligence-based tactician with unparalleled authority over the battlefield! But they’re no slouch in the fight themself, being trained in martial weapons and all armors, so if you want to lead your fellow adventurers to victory, be sure to playtest the commander!

The Commander is a support martial class that buffs the party using Tactics to grant 2+INT party members extra reactions. They also buff nearby allies with a fear-opposing aura.


The guardian is a Strength-based protector who excels in the use of armor, both for their own benefit and the aid of others. If you are the type of player who enjoys keeping others safe from harm, be sure to playtest the guardian!

The Guardian is a pure martial Tank, with some features that seem to be similar to Champions without the magical element. A defensive expert, focused on redirecting damage away from allies and towards themself, they have abilities that buff ally AC, and nerf enemy attack bonuses against allies while buffing those bonuses against themself, incentivizing enemies to attack them first.

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Michael Sayre shared a Commander ability to turn up the hype on today's play test. As a utility guy, this looks pretty awesome.

What's everyone else think?

submitted 2 months ago by Kichae@lemmy.ca to c/pathfinder@ttrpg.network

Golarion is a high magic setting, and that's reflected in PF2s rules for magic items. Unlike in 5e, where magic items are often wondrous and a little bit game breaking, they're expected to fit within the players' power curves.

But there's such an incredible depth of magic items made for 5e (and older editions, of course), that porting them to PF2 is always a temptation.

So, how do you go about doing it? How do you make sure they're balanced? How do you translate their effects? What requires investment? What's better off as a Relic? How do you handle Trick Magic Item? And how do you measure the impact at the table?

view more: next ›


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