
joined 2 years ago
[–] BartyDeCanter 11 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Only sorta related, but now I have an excuse to tell my anecdote...

One job ago I had a manager who decided that he would convert some of our helper scripts from bash to Python for reasons. I was new there and so didn't realize what he was doing, or that he had started the process just as I was going through orientation. However, I ended up being the reviewer for the PR.

This was the worst Python I had ever seen but in such odd ways and it mostly worked. It almost felt like it was written by someone who knew bash really well but had never learned any other languages, or thought that bash was just so damn good that he wanted to turn every other language into it. For example, instead of using argparse he was manually looping through argv and parsing them one at a time. And instead of using a standard for each in foo loop, there were index variables and while loops. And certainly there were no comprehensions or any understanding of the basic built in data structures other than using lists as arrays.

So I did a review, assuming that this person was just really new to python and tried to gently coach him towards basic Pythonisms. His response was: "Oh yeah, I just ran them through ChatGPT and assumed it was all ok."

I quit about two months later.

[–] BartyDeCanter 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Push the test button, of course. I find it helps make sure everyone wakes up on time.

[–] BartyDeCanter 18 points 2 days ago (3 children)

I like to change mine on Spring Forward day. Don’t forget to check the expiration date of the detectors themselves. The sensor degrades over time.

[–] BartyDeCanter 19 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I really miss the unhinged topiary that used to be outside of every fast food restaurant when I was a kid.

[–] BartyDeCanter 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I grew up in one of those places. It was a town that anyone from a real city would think of as tiny, but was seen as the "Big City" in the area: population of around 35k, by far the largest in a several hour drive. I left when I graduated to go to college and have never returned from more than a holiday break to visit friends and family. Some of my friends and family left and some stayed. Everyone who stayed... well, it hasn't worked out well for them. They all ended up with dead end jobs in a dying town, hoping for the boom times again that will never come. They've become bitter, paranoid, and fearful of the outside world. The last time I was there, in 2021, was so damn sad. The town is so run down, there is a bad meth problem, and everything just felt despondent. Yeah, the town has chosen to do it to themselves in a lot of ways and I wouldn't be part of this community if I didn't enjoy at least some schadenfreude, but I also have to wonder how will those 35000 people, and their kids, ever have a chance at a better life?

XP Math (self.pathfinder)

The rules for encounter building and XP rewards in PF2E are great. If your party is all about the same level and you know how difficult of an encounter you want to throw at them it's really easy to build that encounter. As in so many things, the core Pathfinder math Just Works.

But what is hidden behind it? What if, due to player shenanigans, the encounter ends up being very different than you planned or there is a completely unplanned combat? Or you're just curious about how the encounter math works behind the scenes?

Well, here's how it works: Creatures of level 1 and above are worth 160 XP/level. So, a level 2 creature is worth 320 XP and a level 10 is worth 1600 XP. Creatures of level -2, -1 and 0 are worth 40, 80 and 120XP respectively.

To get the per character XP reward for defeating the encounter, total the XP for the creatures in the encounter and divide by the total PC levels at the table.

For example: an encounter of one level 2 and two level 1s is worth 640XP. If faced by a four person party each of level two, thats 640/(4 * 2) = 80XP per character. Or that same 640XP encounter by a party of two level 2 and one level 1? 640/(2+2+1) = 128XP per character.

Granted, this can get silly if the creature levels are way out of whack, which is why in the encounter building rules they don't have table for creatures more than +-3 levels away from the PCs. But just in case you have an odd party or an odd encounter, the math is pretty easy.

[–] BartyDeCanter 1 points 1 week ago

I'm always shocked when I'm reminded that he's still alive and writing. It always seems to me like he stopped in 2005 or so.

[–] BartyDeCanter 1 points 1 week ago
[–] BartyDeCanter 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Have you taken a look at TheDarkMod? It’s a Thief 1&2-like game with several fantastic campaigns.

[–] BartyDeCanter 1 points 1 week ago

My guess would be stress concentration from uneven cooling leads to embrittlement and eventual failure. You can get around it if you can do the casting in a kiln that slowly lowers the temperature, but that’s going to be hard with a Bronze Age kiln.

[–] BartyDeCanter 9 points 1 week ago

That’s gotta be incredibly satisfying.

[–] BartyDeCanter 4 points 1 week ago

To be fair, i386 support was removed from the mainline kernel in 2013, and 486SX support was strongly considered to be dropped in 2022.

[–] BartyDeCanter 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

You’re going to get a lot of advise about what makes life worth living, but it sounds like you have low level depression. Talking to a therapist and looking at an antidepressant are your first steps, along with the other things that can help with low level depression.


I have an XBox Wireless Controller, model #1914, and am running Ubuntu 24.04. I can get the controller to connect over bluetooth but it doesn't show up as a joystick in jstest, evtest or steam. It doesn't show up at all as a usb device in lsusb when plugged in. I've tired installing xpadneo but that didn't seem to do anything. Any ideas?

GLPs are the new Prozac (self.glp_weight_loss)

I don't mean that literally, of course, but metaphorically. Back when Prozac first hit national consciousness here in the US in the early 90s there was a huge backlash against it, much like the one we're seeing against the GLP/GIPs.

Every magazine had a special issue with a bottle of pills lit by scary, dramatic lighting for a cover. There was a constant discourse of hysteria and pearl clutching like: "you'll have to be on it forever!", "it doesn't really fix anything!", "it's so expensive!", "what if they give it to children?!?", "oh no the side effects!". Every self appointed expert had a reason you shouldn't take it: "you don't need it, you just need God", "you just need to get tough", "it's a cop out for the weak", etc, etc. Even many therapists and psychiatrists spoke against it, often more afraid for their jobs than anything else, "what if we fix everything with a pill, what does that mean for psychiatry?"

And now, 30 years later we have a much better understanding of anti-depressants. They are a common prescription and much of society accepts them the same way we accept people being on statins, insulin or ibuprofen. They didn't destroy psychiatry, make everyone become mindless drones or create a bunch of psychopaths. And they became a whole lot more affordable.

On the other hand, Prozac itself would be an odd prescription today as there are much better, more targeted medications with fewer side effects.

I strongly believe the same thing will happen with semaglutide and tirzepatide, but probably much faster due to the much larger number of potential patients. In ten years the new family of weight loss drugs will be commonly used and accepted by society, but they probably won't be semaglutide or tirzepatide but rather some new, more targeted meds that are cheap and have far fewer side effects.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to wait a decade to lose this weight.


Do you want your glue traditional or bacon flavored?


GLP Wieght Loss is a new community for people who currently are or are interested in starting losing weight using the new GLP1-RA and related medications, such as semaglutide and tirzepatide, AKA Wegovy, Zepbound and other brand names. !


40s M, 5'11, SW 255, GW 200?

I've been overwieght almost my entire life. One summer in elementary school my weight shot way up and it's been high ever since. I've been on every diet, have always done sports, hit the gym regularly, and am generally active, but I've never been able to keep it off long, or even make it down to a "normal" BMI, generally floating somewhere between overweight and obese. Over the last two years, my weight has started climbing at a pound or two a month and I haven't been able to stop it.

I took my first dose of semaglutide tonight, after trying to get a hold of it for the last six months. My insurance denied me said I had to join Weight Watchers for six months. Then, two months ago I was laid off. But, a couple of my friends have had success with one of the compounding pharms, so I though I'd give them a try. My partner also did the same thing, and took their first dose last week. Here's hoping that this is the change I've needed!


I’ve started having an odd problem with downshifting on my Street Twin. If I pull the clutch quickly, most of the time the downshifting won’t catch and I’m stuck in the same gear until I tap down like a madman a dozen or so times. But if I pull slowly it’s just fine. If I let out the clutch after a quick pull, rev the engine and then pull slowly it sometimes fixes it, but not always. Up shifts are just fine.


I printed a complete set of gridfinity bins for my desk drawer. It’s so much better than the drawer of chaos.


Mi esperas ke vi havas bonegan tagon.

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