Anime newbie looking for suggestions
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Look, I love Made in Abyss more than basically anyone on Earth. But I struggle to think it's a good recommendation for a gateway anime. The other two you rec'd are absolutely perfect, though, so I can't argue entirely. But I'm going to go ahead and suggest AniList for list tracking.
I mean, i could have recommended boku no pico
Okay, and...your point is? There can be more than one bad recommendation.
Everyone needs these kinds of recommendations when starting out, my guy, hazing is great. Especially when the recommendation is actually good (meaning mia, not the other one).
I don't disagree it's a good show. I just don't know that I think OP would much like anime anymore if that's one of their first.
They could have recommend school days. Its fucked up but damn did dude get what he deseved. I dont think that one is an anime deal breaker like made in the abyss is.