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You try to engage the parking break in the tablet menu, but it's actually an Easter egg that changes the horn sound to Duke Nuken saying "I've got balls of steel"
Shortly before the crash, you think "nice prank, my good sir"
The ensuing fire from the lithium battery burns down 3 blocks and an orphanage
Lmfao I saw that the 2024 model 3 forces you to use the touchscreen to go engage Drive and Reverse by swiping up or down, respectively, on the left edge of the screen. Those mfs also put turn signals on a little thumb pad on the face of the left spoke of the steering wheel instead using a stalk like every car since 1930
The Nintendo Switch Joy-Con drift problem, except it's on your steering wheel and you will get pulled over by a cop or rear-ended when it stops working.
Never get into a Tesla should be a rule if it isn’t already
this would be a good mobile game ala Defuse the Bomb