Daily discussion thread: ๐ Monday, April 29, 2024
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Got a similar story with a trolley.
Was loading groceries and stuff into my car and put down something to stop the trolley from rolling downhill.
Come back from one load and trolley is missing and I see it slowly rolling down picking up momentum in the car park, at the end one incline are more cars parked.
Bolted after the trolley and thankfully no cars were coming up or down the laneway at the time and after 100 metres I manage to catch the trolley without hitting a car or being hit by one.
That scared the bejubus out of me that day. Never parked there ever again.