Almost panicked seeing 495 comments from yesterday's discussion thread, luckily it was just high engagement.
I am up to date with Severance as well, watching the day they release.
I plan to get Soundcore Q45 which go on sale for A$150.
I have been using the A$80 Soundcore A40's, with A$30 Soundcore A20i's as a backup.
In Victoria we have different laws for privacy with or without audio, I don't think it's unlawful unless the person wishes to take them for VCAT for a false accusation.
It would fall under libel, meaning that they would have unlawfully besmeared your character if they are unable to provide solid proof.
But you would have to initiate a case.
I've noticed this at the checkout.
It works when the writing and performance is at the quality of In the Pale Moonlight, it's just too difficult a nuanced subject to cover which conflicts with the tone and style they're going for now.
After the ratings I removed it from my scheduled radarr pull, I'll add it manually as a Discovery Special.
Section 31 sounds like the worst take on Star Trek, if they wanted to be free from the ethos they should have created a team and ship outside the federation.
The amount of Americans visiting Australia who assume people here would want to live in America instead given the option was astounding to me.
I actively go thru my watch history and purge things I think will negatively impact my algo.
Alternatively, you can look into convenient methods of compressing your bitrate, before attempting to upload.
Was a little slow to load, but worked on desktop.
Oh no, I didn't really shop there but they had one in my very rural town I grew up in.
It's a shame, I suppose Kmart was too competitive at the budget price-point.