Anyone interested in a book club?
Welcome to the game development community! This is a place to talk about and post anything related to the field of game development.
I'm game.
I'm currently reading "Don't Make Me Think: Revised Edition" by Steve Krug. The book is primarily about website design, but anyone with half a brain could translate the design principles and main ideas into a game development context. I just finished Chapter 10(?) all about designing usability tests and how to get a feel for where the main issues are with your design.
After that, I've got "Design is Storytelling" by Ellen Lupton and "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams queued up.
Is it just me or do most games have terrible UI/UX? This sounds like something game devs could benefit from tremendously
It's just the worst. I hate doing UI. A UX expert would be very high on my wish list of people to work with, lol.
I don't think game engines make it particularly easy either. I was thinking of trying to integrate web technologies into my engine to try to ease that but it's pretty complicated