WTF is happening on Hexbear?
Talk about whatever, respecting the rules established by Lemmygrad. Failing to comply with the rules will grant you a few warnings, insisting on breaking them will grant you a beautiful shiny banwall.
A community for comrades to chat and talk about whatever doesn't fit other communities
I figured it out: It's people who were banned with the haha funny bit reason when it was pointed out they hadn't actually requested a random ban and were clearly just banned out of spite.
This does seem a lot like the mods wanted to obfuscate the bans of people being critical
Yeah, seems like they'll be justifying it by saying they are just "temp bans" so it is ok. But it's still pretty fucked up for their biggest critics in the thread to be effectively silenced for "going against the (mod) hivemind" or whatever libs say about us.