What does this mean? I'm not American and this just seems incomprehensible to me.
So is Pyro, I think.
The wheels on my bus have been going round and round, but now I can finally get them to stop!
This is something I can retroactively apply to my overwatch days. Playing as a group with voice chat was fun as hell, playing with randos was always hit or miss, with the miss always being the same: Someone (or several someones) treating the game like a single player game and the rest of their team as NPCs who need to follow their orders. And of course, Overwatch had a ton of tweaks to deal with this "problem" with the software in the way you describe with Helldivers, and Overwatch 2 is a "team" game built around everyone doing their own thing with 0 real co-operation or coordination and is awful as a result.
And if the second season didn't devolve into generic flying mech battles and "I'm 14 And This Is Deep" philosophy about killing god or whatever.
I'm surprised that I haven't seen this already. I would've thought it would be a lot more common. Hell, I'm surprised this isn't a default option when they buy the cybertruck.
I believe it depends on the individual, you should always ask which pronoun they prefer first.
I am a millenial and I know exactly 1 couple who own their own home, and they required help from their relatively wealthy parents, plus they themselves went into massive, massive debt to get it. They both had very well paid jobs when they bought the house, like top 30% of income in the country. And they regret how much they've spent on the house, it's completely ruined their finances for the rest of their lives.
As for the rest of my millennial friends, none of us could ever imagine owning a house, with a few of my friends being couchsurfers because their jobs don't pay enough to even afford rent.
And we don't even have basements in houses in Australia.
This whole thing is so insidious. These were the people making these claims, and now that others have debunked them, they pretend to have been the ones debunking them themselves. They act like these claims just popped out of the ether, like all claims about the west's enemies when they are proven to be lies. They pretend to act with "integrity" by correcting the record, but they always pretend that they aren't the ones responsible for the lies in the first place and that they just happened. I'm so fucking sick of how the western media operates.
"Your own mind, your own heart, and your child sex slaves are the temple. Your philosophy is simple kindness and millions of dollars."
I've never done body pillows or merch before because I'm worried I'm just not a good enough artist. But seeing shit like this that looks like deviantart circa 2008 or so makes me think I'm doing alright.
Oh I see, so it's the usual racist "You can't be two things because that makes my brain hurt, so you must be only one thing!"