In the wild in Neosho County Kansas
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
Hay is typically wet and holds into moisture, and this is definitely made of hay no doubt. That said, hay isn't normally flammable. The flammable stuff not in the picture is straw.
Hay is flammable if you try hard enough. Had a neighbor that caught a tractor on fire next to a stack of 500 bales (large round bales, about 1400# apiece). They all burned and nobody tried to put them out, it was a hellfire.
Hay is normally put up at about 12% moisture. Wet bales catch fire because they rot and spontaneously combust.
Bingo. That's why you usually see hay bales left so far apart in fields to dry. Stack them together and they will catch themselves on fire.
Any way, to OCs point, a well placed Molotov (or even just good ol gasoline) could fix the current flammability issue.
Use diesel fuel or kerosene. Gasoline is too explosive and the vapor will burn your eyebrows off when it blows.
Excellent pro-tip, thank you