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Fuck Cars
A place to discuss problems of car centric infrastructure or how it hurts us all. Let's explore the bad world of Cars!
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It's an important reframing. A reminder to not blame the victim. Roads bisect ecosystems. Some flora and fauna can't ever cross them. Some like deer can but risk being killed. All this has a dampening effect on genetic diversity by bisecting populations into ever smaller areas of smaller populations. For these deer maybe it doesn't matter so much, but for some species it matters a lot. Roads everywhere cut the landscape into islands (especially for insects for example) meaning populations are often divided into smaller ones of less genetic diversity. Less genetic diversity often means less robust populations. I am not an expert but this is how I understand it. The poster barely hints at this but there's only so much you can achieve in a poster but the reframing is a start. Jaywalking laws were a reframing that was designed to transfer the blame from the car and driver to the pedestrian in accidents. The new laws said that cars weren't the problem, the victims being run down were the issue as they shouldn't have been in the way of the car.