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Per month.
And it already was so expensive before that most customers were those who had (more expensive, regional) tickets before.
It seems like they want to drive up the price until hardly anyone uses it anymore and then drop it for lack of demand.
You call that expensive? That's still only 2/3 what a monthly transit pass costs in my city in the US.
And they probably have higher frequency and shorter transit travel times compared to most US cities
It certainly attracted me as a tourist to Germany. I travelled a lot in Germany in the last few years, probably wouldn't have (as much) if train rides had cost as much as before the Deutschlandticket.
That's how it was done in US. Also created a strong car brain that is nearly impossible to argue with. Just need to upgrade the trains until they are the better option then they will start understanding.
They do like EU trains but some how it doesn't connect that we could have them here outside of NE
NE being New England?
North East, but really ne to mid Atlantic. Ie Boston to DC
ah yeah fair, I used to live near Boston and while it was MUCH better than where I am now (near Atlanta) it wasn't even close to European standards
Facts but that's about the best we got lol
It ain't much but corruption destroys any investment