Du unterstellst da zu langfristiges Denken. Die FDP ist ein bockiges Kind. Selbst wenn der Antrag exakt das Parteiprogramm abbilden wĂŒrde, wĂŒrden die es aus Prinzip ablehnen.
Ăberrascht mich null.
Wenn die Bevölkerung wĂŒsste, wie miserabel die IT Infrastruktur in Behörden ist und was das fĂŒr Auswirkungen auf sie hat, wĂŒrden sie auf die StraĂe gehen.
Ich mein nicht mal irgendwas von wegen online AntrÀge stellen, sondern verlorene Verfahren, falsche Entscheidungen, etc. Ich weià von FÀllen, in denen einfach mal hunderte AntrÀge unvollstÀndig waren, weil es niemanden gab, dem aufgefallen wÀre, dass die Platte voll war.
Die Atomkraftwerke waren Gelddruckmaschinen, weil ein erheblicher Teil der Kosten an den Steuerzahler abgedrĂŒckt werden konnte. EnBW und co hĂ€tten also durchaus ein Interesse daran, das weiterzufĂŒhren.
Die ganzen Kohlemeiler gehen spĂ€testens 2038 vom Netz. Bis dahin ist noch nicht mal das Planfeststellungsverfahren fĂŒr ein neues AKW fertig.
I have no local thrift store, and the speakers you can find here are often too big. I just wanted small cheap speakers to listen to YouTube videos and essentially an extension cord to plug my (proper) headphones into.
I mean, soundwise they're fine. Not awesome, but for the price perfectly ok. It's just that everything else is crap for no reason.
Shouldn't that be standard everywhere? My flats here in Germany all had one central switch for that wired before the actual circuit breakers so that any outlet should be protected.
Is there a reason to only put that on select outlets?
I bought a cheap set of speakers for my workshop PC.
They have two buttons. One is the combined mode/on/off button. Short press turns it on, another short press cycles through different modes, which are not explained anywhere, but have different LED colors. One mode (line in) looks almost exactly like the red standby led, it just has a bit of a blue LED also lit. Pressing it long turns it off.
The second button switches between a regular and a "speech bubble" mode. I'm not sure what that's supposed to do. However, longpressing that button switches between speakers and headphones.
Then there's the volume knob. It's extremely non-linear and has a delay of a second or two, so you have to be really precise. The volume knob is also not really synced to the headphone amp, so each time you put on headphones, you have to turn the volume like crazy, and then remember to turn it down again.
And the maximum fuck you: the speakers are so lightweight, that they slip around when trying to press the buttons, so you always need two hands.
Absolute garbage. Why are they going out of their way to create a worse product? It doesn't make sense.
Privacy is almost always a double edged sword here.
Making all medical records of everyone available to science would catapult us 200 years in the future...
... but it would also lead to extremely widespread discrimination against a whole bunch of people, throwing us back 200 years.
Damnit, that's exactly the joke I wanted to make.
The carelessness. Mac OS is far from perfect, but it just happily chugs along. Linux often creates problems by just existing for too long. It's gotten much much better, but it's still not good.
Idiodin itself can't get "bad" in any way. The carrier material might go bad, but that's also just starches and a few mineral compounds. At worst, you get powder instead of a pill.
The expiration dates on medication are intentionally extremely conservative.
I mean, look at the username.
Also offensichtlich gibt es hier ein Problem mit dem Prozess! Wir machen am besten ein Meeting mit dem PO und den Architekten, damit wir einen ADR schreiben können. Wenn der wie erwartet ignoriert wird, können wir ja nochmal eine Retrospektive machen.
Echte Entwickler mĂŒssen mindestens 20h die Woche Meetings haben, musst du wissen.