We are about to make the news, lol. We'll probably be voting in about a month.
It's been six months of work since this all started, and we've got probably 40% of people on our side. We've lost 10 employees in the last couple months. Some retired, some were fired, some quit, including two people in the OC. So it's been a bit of a rollercoaster.
A terrible manager who helped kick off this whole thing by being awful got fired. The old store manager who helped kick this off by backing up the terrible manager retired. We were hoping it would lead to positive changes, but of course not. The new regime has been continuing to harass an injured employee for who knows why, so fuck 'em. We are filing several complaints with L&I and the NLRB, and a couple of us will probably be making enemies for life with some in upper management (although a few of us have already been pegged as troublemakers and they are clearly trying to make us miserable enough to quit), so I hope we succeed.
We haven't been able to sit and talk to about half the store, so it's not exactly where we wanted to be and is kind of risky, but unless everyone else breaks to the anti-union side we should be good. Thankfully we haven't run into a lot of anti-union brainworms, but a lot of people are scared to talk about it or are treated fine so don't see the problem we are trying to address so have been dismissive. Still lots of us are burnt out with the store in general and are only staying to vote on the union, so we figured we should go for it now, before there's another 5 people gone and more new people to talk to. When we drop cards and we can be way more open when talking to people.
I know it's not a very radical union, and the changes we can expect will likely be positive and necessary but mundane, but the people we've worked with in our local UFCW have been awesome and I appreciate their time and effort. I know its' their job and they get paid for it, but they've been taking a four hour round-trip a couple times a week to help get this done.
Praying to Saint Fidel to grant us his luck.

That's great that the skeptical people are joining meetings, I think that's super important, especially if they have a chance to ask union reps all the "gotcha" questions they want, because in my experience they just won't respect your responses no matter how informed you are. Keeping them engaged even if it's frustrating is a great thing. If you have talked to the people who have management aspirations, have you tried to frame unionizing as a way to build trust, hold current management accountable if they don't leave, or just a very transparent, clear way to come to an agreement if the managers actually have their employees best interests at heart? I feel like if a manager/business owner really wants to treat their employees well, they have nothing to hide and while the negotiation process is cumbersome, can be a way for everyone to get on the same page. So why hate on it?
I think the fact that you're already getting news coverage is a good sign. Cozy up to any journalists that seem trustworthy, start an instagram page, talk to your union organizers about writing up press releases and when/if it would be strategic and blast them out to as many news sources as you can. Again, talk to your organizers, but I believe it is fair game to make anything public that is factual. They hired that expensive law firm? Research the firm, see if they are notorious for union busting. See if you can find out what their rates are to be put on retainer. Make a post about it. Post about how they are already trying to exclude other employees.
For the record (you may know this), any employee who does NOT have unilateral discretion to discipline, hire or fire employees should be eligible to join a union. So, lets say a team lead has a discussion about performance with an employee, but they have to bring that problem to the manager, and the manager or HR are the ones who decide on discipline for that employee, the site lead is still eligible for unionization because they aren't making the final decision. So off the bat, knowing nothing, it sounds like all of those positions should be able to unionize. And when you win your election (you will!) the NLRB makes you submit all union eligible job titles to them, so management doesn't really have a say over that at all.
I have good feelings about this from what you've told me, so exciting, you got this!
Thank you!
We are almost at an agreement with the list of eligable employees. The union people think were in a good place, but we still have some convincing to do. A lot of people were caught by surprise, including our GM who hasn't made a public comment in a week. Looks like the vote will take place in about three weeks.