[i3] Mint with onedark color scheme
Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make themers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!
Looks good! Though I find tabs on (n)vim a little clunky, I find switching buffers easier
Ah, that's a good idea
Actually i thought about ditching tabs, because now that i use kitty tabs, there is just too much going on. How do you switch buffers, just standard :b ... or maybe some shortcuts? I thought about using something like harpoon, but just automaticaly adding every file i edit to the harpoon buffer.
I use :bn/:bnext and :bp/:bprevious or Telescope (bount to SPC b)