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Indian revolutionary and a major figure in the Indian independence movement of the early Twentieth Century. Singh was active in revolutionary struggle from an early age and he was briefly affiliated with the Mohandas Ghandi’s “Non-Cooperation” movement, although Singh would break with Ghandi’s philosophy of non-violent resistance later in life.

Singh embraced atheism and Marxism-Leninism and integrated these key components into his philosophy of revolutionary struggle. Under his leadership, the Kirti Kissan Party was renamed the Hindustan Socialist Republican Organization. As Singh and his organization rose to new prominence in the Indian independence movement, they became the focus of public criticism from Ghandi himself, who disagreed with their belief that violence was a necessary and vital component of revolutionary struggle.

Singh’s secularism was perhaps his most important contribution to the socialist and independence struggles. During those turbulent times, British Imperialism used every tactic to create antagonism among the different religions of India, especially between Hindus and Muslims. The Sanghatan and Shuddi Movements among Hindus; and tableegh and many sectarian movements in Muslims bear witness to the effects of this tactic. Bhagat Singh removed his beard which was a violation of Sikh religion, because he did not want to create before the public the image of a ‘Sikh’ freedom fighter. Nor did he want to be held up as a hero by the followers of this religion. He wanted to teach the people that British Imperialism was their common enemy and they must be united against it to win freedom.

On April 8, 1924, Baghat Singh and his compatriot B. K. Dutt hurled two bombs on to the floor of the Central Delhi Hall in New Delhi. The bombs were tossed away from individuals so as not to harm anyone and, in fact, no one was harmed in the ensuing explosions. Following the explosions, Singh and Dutt showered the hall with copies of a leaflet that later was to be known as “The Red Pamphlet.” The pamphlet began with a passage which was to become legendary in the Indian revolutionary struggle:

“It takes a loud voice to make the deaf hear, with these immortal words uttered on a similar occasion by Vaillant, a French anarchist martyr, do we strongly justify this action of ours.”

Singh and Dutt concluded the pamphlet with the phrase “Long Live the Revolution!” This phrase (translated from “Inquilab Zindabad!” became one of the most enduring slogans of the Indian Independence Movement.

Singh and Dutt turned themselves in following the bombing incident. Following the trial, they were sentenced to “transportation for life” and while imprisoned, Singh and Dutt became outspoken critics of the Indian penal system, embarking on hunger strikes and engaging in agitation and propaganda from within the confines of the prison. Shortly after the commencement of his prison sentence, Singh was implicated in the 1928 death of a Deputy Police Superintendent. Singh acknowledged involvement in the death and he was executed by hanging on 23 March 1931.

Bhagat Singh is widely hailed as a martyr as a result of his execution at the hands of oppressors and, as such, he is often referred to as “Shaheed (Martyr) Bhagat Singh.”

Bhagat Singh -

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[–] 13 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Just went on a grueling (for me) high altitude hike with family with a sleeping bag that wasn't quite warm enough to fall asleep in. I doubted myself like 4 times but we made it and I have learned to pack lighter for day hikes.

Also, all the huge-thighed shorts-wearing mountain men are making me lustful like God damn.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Sleeping in a bag is always cold, my 20°f bag is frigid at 40°f. I ended up getting a silk or microfiber bag liner and it helps a lot. Also sleeping clothed. Congrats on your accomplishment

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

We warmed up water and put the hot water in our extra carry to warm up the bag. That was nice for about 3-4 hours. I also had silk long underwear and sock liners. But I'll definitely look into a bag liner for next time!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

A lot of bags state in the instructions that you're supposed to wear a base-layer and use an inflatable pad to be comfortable at the rated temperature. I always wear or bring wool leggings ifit's going to be at all chilly, along with a big wool hat i can use to cover my face. My bag is a sorta-mummy bag that closes up pretty close around my body. Has vents that I can open with my hands while the bag is closed, too. It's pretty swanky. REI has some good stuff in the house brand.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Your first overnight hike really teaches you what you actually need, it's incredible how much extra misery a few pounds in your pack will cause you over long distances. My first overnighter I had like 5 lbs of trail mix and that was a very poor choice. Also changes of clothing are usually unnecessary except for maybe a fresh pair of socks and undies.

For sleeping bags always bring one rated for much warmer temperatures than you will be experiencing and always bring an inflatable pad to keep yourself off the ground. I also usually sleep in my clothes even though I don't do that at home.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Sleeping bags are always rated for 10 degrees colder than they should be.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

I don't believe there's such a thing as "in shape for hiking" you either push yourself past the point of reason or you don't.