Nazipedia gotta whitewash quick
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Wikipedia still has up Nazi propaganda in regards to the "Holodomor" with old or cherrypicked or outright false statements from sources calling it a genocide when in fact it's widely recognized as, basically, a fuckup of Soviet policy under Stalin. Not genocide.
The "double genocide" shit is Nazi propaganda and yet Wikipedia legitimizes it. Any ignorant person who googles it after reading "derp derp Stalin killed 10 kazillion people!" Would find themselves quickly on a webpage "confirming" that false belief.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor link for anyone curious.
Wikipedia can be decent for some stuff, but while shit like this remains on the site, I dunno, it can't be trusted in many regards.
Please stop forcing me to defend Wikipedia. 🥺
The opening paragraphs from the respective articles.
Spot the difference.
I felt the same way until I started trying to correct errors in my professional field of research and they stubbornly refused to fix the errors despite a wealth of primary literature showing that the current scientific consensus contradicts what was written on Wikipedia.
As useful as it is for science, it has serious issues. I wish I could say I haven't found many similar errors or poor/outright contradictory sourcing over the last decade. They need to seriously examine their own biases and restructure their editing process. Wikipedia is one of my favorite human projects, but that doesn't mean we should ignore its flaws.