this post was submitted on 29 Sep 2023
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I felt like I was losing my mind screaming about all the things the government could of been doing during the insane covid era inflation. What Biden could of done instead of cranking up interest rates... but hey gotta turn the screws on all the poverty stricken folks with credit card debt so they can barely afford to live.
could have*
Jesus this place is toxic
Could of not given a fuck less when I read this.
oof that's certainly a way to react to being wrong and having someone provide a friendly correction, they didn't call you a moron or anything
It's almost like there's people who don't care about minor grammatic issues and are annoyed by people who think something hastily typed on a phone needs to be ready for publication.
Yeah, gonna go out on a limb and say that you typing hastily isn't the reason you typed out "could of". Dunno, maybe it's how you responded to being corrected.
Being willfully ignorant isn't the flex you think it is.
Neither is going around correcting minor grammatical issues. It's cute that you think that correcting something hastily typed on a cell phone needs to be corrected for grammar. You must have a rich and fulfilling life to go around grading comments on a internet forum.
Stay mad.
Just strongly believe people who do annoying bullshit need to be told to fuck off more often.
You mean like taking a correction personally? You're acting like I slapped your mother.
They must be having a really bad day. Or they have some trauma from an old English teacher.
Politely correcting spelling and grammar is like telling someone they spilled ketchup on their shirt.
I didn't take it personally. Which is why I think you suck so hard. You would do that to anyone. I know that. It's why you suck. That's the whole point I just made. People need to tell you to fuck off more. You haven't heard it enough.
You did take it personally, but its okay. Sometimes people make mistakes and you need to learn to be okay with receiving the help you clearly need.
Thank you.
I need tons of help. Just none of it happens to be in grammar on a web forum. None of the help any person that ever lived needs that.
Please get help.
Nitpicking grammar isn't just pretentious, it's privileged. The validity of a statement is not determined by how expensive an education the writer's parents provided them.
Wtf are you talking about? It's not obscure grammar that you can only see in expensive textbooks. You just need to open your eyes.
Why are people so adamant about not being corrected?
Man like it's just so simple like being corrected on an opinion or any observation and it's just a simple switch from "of" to "'ve" like no one even has to beg for you to use the '
Like sweet jesus man I don't care if people have a different meaning now about this 🧢 that we put on our heads but man it's such a simple thing to just swing a little bit to the side and use VE like you don't even have to add a space man I just don't understand the chaos I'm crying
I never said their statement was less valid. Go make up things to be mad about somewhere else.
Someone called you an entitled douche so they must be angry. Oh ya, for sure.
Seems like big mad behavior to me.
Such a solid argument. I don't like an annoying thing you do, so I'm angry. So angry. Sorry that I had to be the one to tell you that no one gives a fuck about your English degree. It was a huge waste of money, but don't take that out on the rest of the world by making them read you try to validate yourself.
It's almost like you have no original thought. As if you fall back on correcting others grammar and spelling because of how utterly unoriginal and vapid you are.
Are we having an argument? I thought you were just venting about how insecure you are about a single grammar correction.
Nope, not really I'm just telling you that nearly everyone thinks your the web forum equivalent of a cockroach.
Nearly everyone? You mean the upvotes I got for correcting you?
Oh man, up boats. The tell all sign. It's almost like me being very rude to you probably sways opinion. It's like the generally nice people here don't tell you to fuck off as much as they should. I believe I made that point already.
No no no, we're watching what's happening and we think you and your chief enabler up there are both very much entitled douchebags who think you are above criticism, correction and reproach -- because your egos are too sensitive to deal with it.
Be an adult, you whiny, entitled, spoiled brat.
So they disagree with you.
Me being a cunt? Oh yes they definitely do. They pitty you, as I'm sure everyone that encounters you does. Depending on where you put the poll up Hitler or pictures of naked children gets a lot of up boats too. So it's definitely a solid gauge of self worth.
Insisting that no one be corrected on mistakes is what's actually privileged.
And so is blatantly misusing the word pretentious, which makes it even more evident you are just some overly offended blowhard who doesn't know what the hell you're talking about.
You hurt the people around you by enabling shitty people and their bad behavior in such a manner. Grow the fuck up.
Wait, I don't get it. Are you saying making a grammar mistake makes someone a shitty person? And not correcting grammar enables people's bad behavior? Like being ungrammatical is morally wrong or something?
And let me Google the def of pretentious real quick:
Correcting someone's grammar online is absolutely a pretentious act. You've identified a grammatical mistake - which in this case isn't even a mistake but a difference in dialect - and you feel the need to call them out on it? What possible benefit does that have except to show off your allegedly superior grammar and thus demonstrate your superior intellect, talent, culture, or whatever aspect of life you think grammar should be assigned to?
Misspellings ≠ dialect
I'm saying you're a bad person for enabling a spoiled brat's entitled temper tantrum because you, too, have an ego the size of the Good Year Blimp and you feel your feathers get ruffled when you get called on minor trivial shit that shouldn't matter to you just as much as he does, which is why you are enabling him to his detriment.
And you're doubly a shitty person because you are blatantly and purposefully strawmanning me thinking it's going to help you win something. And you're wrong on that account, too.
I am not even the one who identified the grammatical mistake. did.
You, just like the guy throwing a temper tantrum, both know nothing, and it's not just because of simple grammar.
It's because you don't want to accept it's socially unacceptable to throw a fucking temper tantrum like a child in a grocery store.
It's because you don't want to accept being willfully ignorant is wrong.
It's because you don't want to accept that in life, you are going to get criticized, have minor mistakes pointed out, etc. and this is not a bad thing, it is called being constructive and is a normal part of life.
You BADLY need to grow the fuck up. Seriously.
I like that you are winning this argument despite the downvotes by a majority of pretentious users.
Do better lemmy
What should they have done instead?
Price controls as mentioned in the post, likely one of the most effective things. Aggressively prosecuting companies for price gauging would also send a clear message. When there's a huge surge of unemployment and companies are making record profits for no reason other than greed there's a lot of things that can be done but they aren't "capitalism" so they're bad.
If we're staying closer to neolibralism than OPs post you seemingly refused to read; winfall tax, uae said tax revenue to provide inflation relief.
What should they of done*
The president doesn't control interest rates (though they'd like to). The federal reserve bank independently decides interest rate changes to fulfill its dual mandate. Arguably, they should have started raising rates sooner, but the belief at the time was that inflation was transitory in nature. The executive branch could have tried to do more, but regulatory capture over the past decades has castrated the government's ability to effectively control business (instead, the inverse is true: business controls government policy). Blaming the corrupt cogs (or, even worse, the "other team") for a broken machine is useless. Instead, lose your mind screaming about all the things your local government should be doing, educate yourself and get involved in local politics, and start changing corrupt policies to rebuild from the bottom up. The other way is never going to happen, so all you'll accomplish there is making yourself hoarse.
If you think the president isn't heavily leaning on the fed and having a strong say in how interest rates go I've got a bridge to sell you.
Early in trump presidency when they should of been drastically cranking up interest rates. They stayed pretty fucking stable because the big orange turd threw a fit about them being raised. Biden could easily exert influence. The fed is way less indepent than it should be.
After 4 years of the fed making poor decisions at Trump's direction, I'm totally fine with Biden being hands off and letting the experts turn the dials