[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 5 points 2 hours ago

Clearly you are faking your outrage if you can't spell "chamber". You're rumbled. Banned for trolling.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 1 points 13 hours ago

The discussion was of a common trope in video games, the person I replied to referenced an unspecific element in video game storytelling, and you expect the primary understanding of the subsequent label to be talking to a sub-section of a sub-section of all gamers?

Either you are reading a far too charitable (and unrealistic) interpretation of the previous comment, or the original comment needs signficant revision.

Even if we take your reading as valid, how would the attention span of a minor fraction of all gamers move the needle, in terms of game design, enough to bring about the tropes previously discussed?

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

Feels unnecessarily hyperbolic to call the average gamer an "adrenaline junkie". Games need gameplay and fixing things that aren't working, be it a dying flashlight or an erupting reactor, is easy and extensible gameplay.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

That can't be a real offer.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Next best thing is a kendo master trying various western weapons. One episode on Youtube he tried a longsword for the first time.

Surprisingly little ego and no bias (beyond personal bias from years using a single type of sword).

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

What trend is the image showcasing? Repetition?

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 150 points 3 weeks ago

That's so sad...

That poor woman fell in love with an ignoramus.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 93 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This was the centrifuge through which they distilled the kids worth giving a shit about.

Yes, I know centrifuges don't distill. No, I will not be making any modifications. And, if you asked in your heart, you were probably the chaff spun aside by the Iron Dais of Judgment.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 71 points 11 months ago

Pay me enough, and I'll waste everyone's time. Wait...

Did I just reinvent lobbying?

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 70 points 1 year ago

Clearly, there are stupid questions.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 67 points 1 year ago

The punishment is a sentence of death. Not "being killed". You are to be placed in the state of death for the crime. That's why you don't get to walk away if a lethal method fails. You can keep reviving them, but they'll be incarcerated and killed again until it sticks. And I'll put the rest of the party in contempt of court for attempting to subjorn lawful punishment.

[-] qarbone@lemmy.world 106 points 1 year ago

Incels are not stigmatized for their sexual histories. People don't like them because their whole worldview is shite and pathetic.

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