But then should it not be different in countries like France? There the energy mix is currently ~60% nuclear. But the cost of nuclear energy in France is also more expensive than e.g. renewable energy. And France is operating a lot old quite old reactors. The investment in these reactors have long been amortized and can know produce cheaper nuclear energy than most other countries, although it's still more expensive than renewables.
In February 2012, President Sarkozy decided to extend the life of existing nuclear reactors beyond 40 years, following the Court of Audit decision that that would be the best option, for new nuclear capacity or other forms of energy would be more costly and available too late. Within ten years 22 out of the 58 reactors will have been operating for over 40 years
We discussed this possibility in the german public also, but we were not convinces that it's safe to prolong the lifetime of nuclear reactors as the risks are too high.
Can you also see the trend of the two graphs for nuclear and gas?
Did you see how much cheaper renewables are?
And do you think the cost for the long term storage of nuclear waste is included in the calculation?
That trend is exactly what I'd use as an argument in favor of nuclear energy. It shows that cost depends on adoption and on political situation.
But then should it not be different in countries like France? There the energy mix is currently ~60% nuclear. But the cost of nuclear energy in France is also more expensive than e.g. renewable energy. And France is operating a lot old quite old reactors. The investment in these reactors have long been amortized and can know produce cheaper nuclear energy than most other countries, although it's still more expensive than renewables.
We discussed this possibility in the german public also, but we were not convinces that it's safe to prolong the lifetime of nuclear reactors as the risks are too high.
Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_France
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laufzeitverl%C3%A4ngerung_deutscher_Kernkraftwerke (Google Translation: https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Laufzeitverl%C3%A4ngerung_deutscher_Kernkraftwerke?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
What do you mean by that?
Here's a study of the risks of storing nuclear waste on the surface:
https://www.bund.net/fileadmin/user_upload_bund/publikationen/atomkraft/atomkraft_zwischenlager_studie_2020.pdf Since this is a pdf I can not provide a link to the translated version, but you can download the pdf and have it translated by e.g. the Google Translator yourself. Sorry for the inconvinience.
OK, I'll look at it later, thx
Here's a translation of a similar article: https://www-bund-net.translate.goog/themen/atomkraft/atommuell/zwischenlager/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp