What barrels ? Nuclear waste is stored in massive concrete and steel cylinders and burried deep underground. It's not the green goo inside barrels everyone seems to imagine
... there are hundreds of barrels of low-level nuclear waste at an interim storage facility in the town of Leese, in Lower Saxony, that have to be examined for leaks and possibly re-packed and resealed in new barrels.
Very glad that representatives from Exxon-Mobil could make it here to lemmy to let us know how bad nuclear power is.
You get polluted water and ground with nuclear waste too. These barrels tend to leak
What barrels ? Nuclear waste is stored in massive concrete and steel cylinders and burried deep underground. It's not the green goo inside barrels everyone seems to imagine
Low-level nuclear waste is stuff like used golves.
It's like saying "let's close hospitals because they produce a lot pf hazardous waste" when in reality it is mostly used masks.
I'll inform the state of Saxony that your backyard is avaible should they run out of space :-)
There is plenty of space in Oymyakon.