Libs: "IMPOSSIBLE! This is just CCP PROPAGANDA! They are holding a gun to their heads off camera!"
There is a comment like that under the video already)
I mean, who are we trying to fool, really? Surely, this was done under the threat of execution of entire families and the guy got the idea in the first place under the influence of oppression nanobots in the Chinese air.
That's why you don't click on the comment section of YouTube.
"Silly tankie the evil CCP is clearly just using brainwashing techniques on them! Radio Free Asia told me so!"
I’m sure this will go over very well with libs.
"HeS gOt A gUn To HiS hEaD!!!! HoW cAn YoU bElIeVe ThIs? HiS WhOlE fAmIlY dEaD!"
They won't even be aware of it
I’m still waiting for bell¿ngcat LARPers to produce satellite evidence of Gaza-sized concentration camps imprisoning millions.
we have a peaceful live
no, it can't be! western media wouldn't lie to me...those people are being indoctrinated by the CCP!!
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