I want this to be a show so bad. Is this a web comic I can read or am I going to have to just enjoy the posts?
one should not chase the electric dream, but strive to became an extension to its dreamer
Automatism in the age of the children of Unix. This community is for all things related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
This is also where pmjv posts his work
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
- https://openbsd.org
- https://freebsd.org
- https://netbsd.org
- https://dragonflybsd.org/
- https://9front.org
- https://100r.co/site/uxn.html
- https://distrowatch.org
There are collected "issues" on analog nowhere and non-series pages on mini
I read them all last night after posting lol thank you for the link.
The neat part is that you get to imagine the "plot" yourself. @pmjv feeds us and endless stream of (lovely) flashes of the universe, and leaves you at task to connect whatever dots your brain can create :)
I just read trough all of it, I am really inveated in the world building of these
I'm glad you enjoy it.