The wax is the fuel…Ah fuck it. Infinite candle. I see nothing wrong with this.
This is nothing. Try plugging a surge protector into itself. Infinite power!!!
I want to believe
Light the candle you want to see in the world.
Without the wick the new candle won’t burn for very long. Or at all.
it looks like there’s another wick preloaded into the bottom half
Oh yeah, that would work. But only once.
'Having trouble believing that the wax wouldn’t cool before it got much beyond the flame, much less all the way to the bottom of that container.
It would be far better to just recycle the wax left over normally. Especially because most of it actually does burn in a typical candle design.
You can just put the candle in the container to begin with haha
this is against the sixth law of thermodynamics which says infinite candles are impossible
Infinite candle glitch
I like how you can see it would only give you about 1/3 of the candle back (3rd image), because the wax is what burns
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