Looks good but holy that's a lotta green onion in there :D
Not enough
Fair point. I chop a lot of green onion / coriander / red chilli. I usually take a photo of my wife's bowl because my approach to plating my own bowl is more akin to fly-tipping than it is to gastronomic art. This is a photo of my bowl.
It's all going to the same place :D
Didn't meant anything negative by my comment. Also nice..photo?
No worries! I like green onions a lot! Plus most of my family are spice-fearing so I have to add a lot of heat in some other way. A lot of fresh chillies (or in this photo a healthy dollop of Lao Gan Ma Crispy Chilli in Oil) or a chug of hot sauce (my goto for this kind of dish is Mahi's Bhut Jolokia).
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