He was also a random guest star bad guy of the week on The Next Generation, in the episode "Starship Mine." I had forgotten this, and it is especially jarring when you stumble across that episode after you're used to him being Tuvok.
There goes the planet!
Tim Russ guest starred a bunch of times in Trek. He was in Generations, he was a klingon on DS9, he even got to play his mirror self on DS9.
Wasn't he also in one of the movies?
He was in Generations
When Sulu was captain of Excelsior, that's right. I feel like they alluded to this in a Voyager episode, like this was his real first assignment, and then he spent time making a family. So rather than him being a random character in the movie, he was now canonically Tuvok on his first stint with the Federation.
He played a bridge officer on the Enterprise B in Generations. Human by the look of him. So probably not Tuvok.
this would be what we call a retcon.
No, in the Voyager episode he is on the Excelsior with Sulu as captain. In Generations he is a bridge officer on the Enterprise B and Captain Harriman was in charge (nominally since his bridge was full of flag officers).
I watched this episode just last night. fun fact: in Portuguese, this episode is called "gato e rato" (cat and mouse)
IIRC he was also in STOGAM
Holy shit
He's also the principal from iCarly
Different shows but I watched this star trek DS9 episode last night and heard a familiar voice
he was also the principal in iCarly.
Actors gonna act.
Man Tuvok really cut loose.
I'm old enough that it was the other way around for me.