Neat, but also it's just a box with a touchscreen on it.
Please go to !
Right, kinda lame, I'd be more impressed if it had the physical buttons and LCD screens.
Would be hard to resist buying an analog one like that if it existed.
The only part that would be a bit exotic is the progress slider really, the rest should be fairly off the shelves parts. Maybe the slider can be LEDs or something instead to make it a bit simpler.
I immediately thought of those motorized faders on professional mixers. One of those mounted sideways would absolutely work.
Oh yeah they exist for sure but it's a little bit more unusual than the rest and will drive up the cost. For example these ones on mixers are way too big so you'd need to get a smaller one made, etc, whereas the buttons I'm sure they're ready-made in many sizes blanks that you can just press/print on, same for the LCDs you can find ones that are close enough to the correct size without making them custom.
Where's the box with the EQ and the box with the Playlist?
If it wasn't for the picture, I would have thought they made a whip that they called "WinAmp" for use Llamas asses.