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There is a disclaimer in the upper left corner about this
The graph's existence implies it's own validity, so even with a disclaimer it's still disinformation.
Indeed, I would say it's kind of bollocks. And I'm in at least two of these groups.
What if I have stuff from all three circles
These are all spectrums. Experiencing all of these symptoms is normal. Experiencing these symptoms frequently and with such high degree that it impacts your daily life - that is a disorder.
I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice.
For me (who has all 3) the items on that chart aren't symptoms. They're personality traits.
You're a lizard, Mary!
I had suspected being gifted could have helped mask autism and ADHD (a psychiatrist even said "you have a PhD, you do not have ADHD"), but I had never seen it like this and it makes me even more suspicious.
See a different doctor and have them examine you with a spotlight on ADHD symptoms. There's remarkably few doctors that are good at diagnosing ADHD, especially in certain presentations.
There's a lot of common misconceptions about ADHD and it's signs/symptoms, and those misconceptions are not exclusive to people without a PhD. So get a second or third opinion.
I'm on the gifted side, with an more inward presentation of ADHD, it wasn't until I was 39 that I even spoke to a medical professional about it. I was mediocre in school (often without trying, because I couldn't focus or sit long enough to do homework or study), and as I've gotten older and into my career in a highly technical field, job demands have made it much harder to mask my ADHD symptoms. I started treatment by medication and I've been able to sit and focus and do my job better and easier than before. I still have challenges, medication isn't a cure; medication has simply given me better control over where my focus lies, if I'm not working to direct my energy and focus into the right work, then I'm no better off.
Diagnosis is the first step, so if your doctor isn't up to speed enough to know the signs and symptoms, find one who is.
Until recently, adult ADHD was not considered to be a thing but evidence has shown that to be very wrong. A lot of people were told that people just grew out of being ADHD, and some do, but not everyone.
Your achievements do not and should not have any bearing on whether you are affected. You can have ADHD and be very well decorated in your achievements, even if you've never been properly diagnosed or treated for it.
The main factor here should be whether you think that you may have it, and whether or not having it may be holding you back. Make a choice whether that's something you believe, and go from there.
I'll definitely look into it, thank you!
This chart hits me hard, in so many ways.
There are certain traits common to neurotypicals which I have always considered to be detrimental to not only that person in whom I've observed the trait, but to society as a whole -- but because I'm the one who is considered "different" I usually find that it's easier to just keep my trap shut, rather than be browbeaten by NTs for my strong opinions.
As a very obvious example: "Highly developed morals" is tucked away in the corner of the Autism/Giftedness sub-quadrant. I'm going to make the obvious assumption that Ms. Higgins Lee clearly did not intend to imply that only neurodivergents hold that trait... but, anecdotally, I have nonetheless on more than one occasion observed that far too many people who are considered by the larger populace to be "normal" not only appear to lack that trait, but actively despise anyone who holds such high morals.
NTs so often derisively label us as "autistic" or "neurodivergent" or (my personal favorite) "nerds"... like these are all somehow bad things -- but maybe society as a whole needs to reevaluate the entire notion of what constitutes "good" and "bad".
Sorry... am I being too divergent? Should I shut my trap... yet again?
I think “Highly developed morals” in this context doesn't mean being a "better" person by following a "superior" code of conduct.
It means a higher chance to follow any established code out of principle - even to one's own detriment - even with zero chance of getting caught cheating - even without getting to have bragging rights on upholding integrity. (But only if that code is properly understood first and deemed reasonable. Arbitrary BS-rules don't have that effect) There was a study about it, I think, from Bazil?
You're probably right -- but let's pick that apart for a bit. What you are basically describing is "doing what's right when nobody is watching." How is that not a "superior code of conduct," as you put it?
Social codes don't have inherent value. They vary over time, places, culture, etc...
Right and wrong are subjective. You can try to debate for moral absolutism, but I won't respond.
I was describing "doing what one thinks is expected to be the right choice as defined by code without incentives to do so other than the personal desire to uphold the code by making the choice it suggests"
I can't tell you how many times I was told I was "too honest"
My 6yo was watching Avatar 2 for the first time and the scene where the humans are burning down the forests, and he immediately asks me “how can there so much fire if people have to wear masks to breathe?”
Last year we saw a pickup merging on the highway with a balloon arch in the back and he immediately realized what was about to happen.
He’s very empathetic (he is vegetarian and can’t fathom eating meat. He literally cries over the meat section of a supermarket, though he’s a bit dramatic). And he’s always asking me about complex things like black holes and gravity and inertia and tectonics.
Is he…gifted? How do we find out?
In Ontario, Canada, if they still do it the same way as they did in the 80s/90s, they do a test in grade 3 which can determine giftedness. After the test I was sent to do a psycho-educational assessment, then sent off to another school with a gifted program. I was in gifted classes until the end of grade 10. I definitely made some great friends in that program, but I think I would have been better off being taught how to survive in the real world, compared to the experience of having your own special class. There is no “special class” in the workplace. Or, you can probably just go directly to a psychologist for a psycho-educational assessment, but there is usually a cost involved.
Schools don't teach how to live anyway, so you missed nothing
I mean instead of the effort spent on a gifted program, they could have put effort into helping neurodivergent kids to develop strategies to exist and thrive within a class (world) designed for neurotypicals.
If you made friends, it taught you social skills.
The problem with gifted students is that they can struggle connecting with those who don't enjoy abstract thinking, theory, etc, but at the same time it was one period of your school day, you had all the others including recess and lunch to learn that.
Posted this a couple weeks ago in /AuDHD. I was wondering how long it would take to circulate and be reposted here. 😄
Do you know where it’s supposed to be reposted to next? 🤨
We already had adhd and autism so obviously !rickandmorty and !archlinux are next for the gifted people.
I've always felt strongly identified with parts of the autism and ADHD symptoms but not with all of either so I always assumed I was just self-diagnosing or was simply a bit too close with both spectrums without fully being into either or something like that. It's hard to discern also because I've been depressed for some time and I'm asexual so sometimes I just attribute some of my non-typical traits to that.
But in the last 5 years I feel like I'm deteriorating at a growing rate and doing even the smallest things is incredibly hard for me, even things that I used to like like reading or playing videogames, not to say things like working or intense socializing. I know that getting an official diagnosis is the way to go but I'm in South America where the infrastructure/system for all this is even lesser than in Europe/USA and I'm broke anyways. My current goal is to work to get enough money to survive and get the diagnosis, even if it feels like am working at 15% capacity.
In the meantime, does anyone know of some kind of scientific test or resource that might help me clear my mind in regards to what I am/have? I promise I'll get an official diagnosis as soon as I can but I feel like even identifying that I probably have a ton of ADHD or whatever it is and getting some commonly-held tips about my particular condition could help me lots right now.
Shot in the dark, not a doctor yadda yadda
Sounds like it could be burnout. (not only workaholics can get one) You can try some mitigation strategies for that and see if they help you.
In fact, autistic burnout is a thing that can happen to autistic folks (as opposed to occupational burnout)
I feel attacked.
Oh god I'm definitely esaily bored
This is quite revealing. I'm hyper focused on some of my past and present behavior now and feel like a damn hypochondriac at this point.
Most of the traits listed above apply to me.
ADHD here, and I think level 1 ASD (psych appointment few weeks).
ADHD – "Ability to respond quickly in crisis situations/emergencies"? What?
ADHD is great in a crisis. The adrenaline spikes hard, everything gets super focused, shit gets done. It's like a double simulant dose right in your bloodstream.
Honestly, this is when I'm at my highest functioning. Unfortunately that means it's easy to get addicted to stress.
It's "common" traits. Not "must have" traits. or is the confusion about interpreting what a "crisis situation/emergency" is in this context?
confusion about interpreting what a "crisis situation/emergency" is in this context
Something like hyperfocus as the deadline approaches?
Literal emergencies will fall into that category as well, but it is broader than just the stuff ER-people do for a living.
These are things like:
- being able to go from asleep to ready and out the door in under 5 minutes if the reason to do so is important enough.
- remaining calm and levelheaded when everyone around is panicking over something.
- deciding on a strategy and executing it flawlessly in response to any sudden change.
- and yes, doing homework last minute and still getting acceptable grades for it also counts.
Basically, if you get into a mental state of immediate urgency, your executive function runs on adrenaline alone. And suddenly you're better than ever before at just. getting. stuff. done. - but not for very long.
I know I had ADHD in my childhood, diagnosed, medicated for a while, but was told I "grew out of it" in my teens. Not sure if that's the right term, but I was indeed told I no longer have it.
Been doing some research, and thinking more and more about whether I have mild autism/asbergers. Does anyone know any reliable and discrete ways of figuring out if you might be on the spectrum or not? Something I can keep to myself at least for the time being? Or is asking my doctor the only way? Are specialists that specifically assess autism spectrum a thing? And is it possible to go to one of them without having to be referred by my primary care doctor?
I was recommended and it's given me quite a bit of information about myself. Wish I could help more. Keep reaching out and eventually the right answer will find you! Good luck on your journey. Don't give up.
Very helpful.
Tag yourself, I'm Processing speed impacted
Like 90% of these apply to me, though I've somehow failed every ADHD assessment I've ever taken.
Hat trick