It seems isn't loading for me. Happen to know if the page was moved?
It's loading now so probably some temporary hickup. That site is not maintained by us at but it's been a very good resource to link to so far.
That site is not maintained by us at
All good, I assumed that to be the case, will wait for them to be back up then, thanks for the continuous work @mrmanager, I think what you have here so far is pretty cool. Stay awesome.
Update: It's back! XD
Go get those sweet communities :)
Hi, I followed these steps and I was able to subscribe to a couple communities. However I wanted to sub to ! and from this instance and the memmy app I’m seeing that it has one subscriber (presumably me?) however clicking into the direct link I can then see the activity. I’m still very new to this, am I missing a step?
I think you did it right :) But the way Lemmy is designed, it doesn't copy over historic posts and comments before you subscribed. I had a look at the community over at and there has been only one post since you subscribed, and that one you see here on But you won't see the older ones. New ones will pop up here though.
It's a bit confusing, all of this, in the beginning. :)
Make sure to subscribe to lots of communities since only a few has lots of content, and it can feel like Lemmy is a wasteland otherwise.
Thanks so much for the response. I’m enjoying figuring out something new.
Me too, it's fun with technology that isn't owned by big tech. :)
Lemmy Guides
A place to read and post guides to using and enjoying Lemmy.
Examples: Guides to Lemmy subscriptions, tips about mobile clients, how to find remote communities etc.