Anyone able to give an ELI5 to a non-American? I understand the current situation and what happened yesterday, is there a problem with Milwuakee or this art center specifically?
Group for Milwaukee area and SE Wisconsin.
Banner image by Bfkenney on Wikimedia Commons, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Icon is Sunrise Over the Lake (People's Flag of Milwaukee) by Robert Lenz, released into the public domain.
@ratel @steinbring
I have a feeling (just a feeling) that since the venue was directly across the river (which is closed) that secret service might expand the security zone, preventing its use.
Nah, but John Stewart is the only pragmatic, logical, intelligent, and non-bias person left on television so naturally he is at risk.
It’s understandable but it’s a shitty world we live in when you have to consider the safety of the venue you’re going to for some entertainment.
This is your take-away from this or did you just want to rant about BlueMAGA a bit?
Did you forget about BlueAnon and Blueald Blump?
Don't play eiffel 65 around this guy 🎶im blue if i were green i would die🎶
I think it was the folks who came up with Q and called themselves QAnon got embarrassed so they no u’d the situation and made up BlueAnon so they wouldn’t feel quite as gullible.
Lovely conversation but I’ve get to wash off my asshole bleach because I don’t want it getting too light.
Have a great day or night and I’ll talk to you another time!
Go blue your dad more
What the fuck is a blue MAGA?
It's not a thing. It's a group of alright propagandists trying to equate dems to the maga shitstains. They think if they can get people thinking theres a Joe Cult or Blue Maga it will keep people from voting. It's bullshit propaganda.
I actually already had the above poster tagged as "Trump talking point maniac" so that fits. Thanks for the breakdown!
Their strategy for making joe biden not get votes is to assert there’s a fanatical base of support for him that is planning to vote for him because they like him so much?
Who exactly is in "The Biden Cult"? Lmao
I'll save you time: No one.
Biden is the sitting president. The party with a sitting president doesn't push for anyone else.
What country do you live in?
Trump "will get elected", because that's what you want to happen in your narrative. There is no Biden Cult. There never was, and there never will be. Democrats are not brainwashed morons like Republicans have been since the Trump-God appeared.
I asked because everyone of your comments reads like a Fox News talking heads repeat.
You sir, are a fucking moron.
You should probably step back from the internet for awhile. It's obviously turning your brain into sludge. I hope you get better soon
That's not a surprise. They're probably tripling security after this weekend. I know I would. Just because the enemy is insane doesn't mean they're stupid. Well not completely stupid.