I expected him to wake up again and say to himself, "shit I had that dream again where my wife hadn't left me over my triangle." and then plays his triangle while sobbing.
That would be too real
Shit feels real
A couple years ago in Rio's carnival, I was in a techno party and there was this guy with a triangle hitting it really hard and it was great. My wife and me still talk about him when we're partying hoping we could find him and his triangle on another party again.
triangle man, triangle man
does whatever a triangle can
Triangle man hates Particle man, They have a fight, Triangle wins, Triangle man
which is not much, but it's something
Of course his wafe hates that, he's playing it wrong! You hit from inside, not outside, so you can draw a triangle while playing the triangle!
Boo guitar
Username kinda checks out.
Just one more YouTube video, then I'll stamp on some straw and mud
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