I’ve never played any of the final fantasy series. I hear so many wonderful things about them. Even heard of a couple who bonded over it. So any of the Final Fantasy. If I should try one before another… let me know. :)
And thank you.
A community for PC Master Race.
I’ve never played any of the final fantasy series. I hear so many wonderful things about them. Even heard of a couple who bonded over it. So any of the Final Fantasy. If I should try one before another… let me know. :)
And thank you.
Thanks for entering! It’s tough to decide where to start with Final Fantasy. Thankfully you don’t have to play them in order, and they’re not connected. I’m first experience was 3 on SNES, and then FF VII on Ps1 back in the day.
It might make sense to start with one of the more popular ones. I’d love to tell you 7 Remake since it’s most modern mod to a classic (although I haven’t played remake). FF 9 I heard was amazing, and FF X is a gem. 8 I believe is underrated, I really enjoyed it back in the day.
Generally they all have great stories so I hear. It may be tough to play 1-3 in 2024 unless you grew up on old school JRPGs.
Thank you for doing this in a world of selfishness, your kindness is a beacon of happiness. I wouldn’t mind winning, but your reply gave me the best reward I could get. I’ll take this info and go hunting for my first foray into Final Fantasy. Don’t delete this post. I’ll be back to tell you what I ended up with and how I felt about it.
Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I've been playing two games a lot lately; Pacific Drive and The Planet Crafter. Both have been a blast so far. I love games that feel isolating.
I would choose Octopsth Traveler.
OP, kudos for doing this. Put me down for the FF Pixel Remaster Bundle.
I'm about to take my Steam deck on an international flight, so those would be perfect to pass the time!
Nice, I haven’t flown international in several years, but I brought along my 3DS back then. Steam Deck would be killer for that journey. Best of luck to you, that’d be awesome to play through the trip!
How is Octopath Traveler? From what I gather it's a bunch of diverging stories, eight to be precise and they don't actually interact with each other?
I've not bought it yet due to the anxiety that triggers...
Entering for Crisis Core, thanks for doing this.
I've been watching Y: The Last Man and started out really digging it, but now that I'm nearing the end (Ep8) it's starting to drag a little. Some interesting things being set up though so hoping it sticks the landing.
I'd like to relive the best times of my life with the FF I - VI bundle
Dude, that's how I feel too. Take me back to the SNES and GBC years.
Put me down for octopath! I've always been intrigued by it's art style and would love to give it a whirl.
Final Fantasy I-VI Bundle would be awesome. Thanks for doing this!
1 entry for Tomb Raider Definitive Survivor Trilogy, a large fry and a large coke, please.
Entering for Nier:Automata. Thanks for doing this
Entry for Hogwarts legacy! Thanks so much for the giveaway, very kind of you
Not entering, just a thank you and good luck.
NieR: Automata Game of the YoRHa Edition please 😁
I have been eyeing this game for so long and I need a break from my 160 hours of Original Sin 2 🙈
Me nervously eyeing my 400 hours in Persona 5 Royal
Octpath Traveller pleaawse UwU
I think I'm most interested in crisis core. I love ff7 and remember crisis core on the PSP. Good times. Good luck to everyone and thanks OP!
I'd be interested in Octopath Traveler.
As for cool stuff, I live in Japan these days, and every summer there are festivals that go on every night for several days in a row. There's nothing quite like the feeling of the festivals back home in the US, I think because the repeated music and chanting isn't really something we do. One of the festivals near me makes these giant 20+ m floats that you can see over the tops of buildings. This is contrasted with the fact that the area is kind of poor (for Japan), and is losing population like almost all rural areas, so coming together to put on this kind of event every year makes things feel hopeful in a way.
Here's a yt clip showing some aspects of one of the festivals.