Me: "That's a nice new handbag you got there."
The upside of my wife's thing for expensive handbags is that don't get any grief when I buy new bike or computer stuff.
Discussing all things Sim Racing
Me: "That's a nice new handbag you got there."
The upside of my wife's thing for expensive handbags is that don't get any grief when I buy new bike or computer stuff.
That's a healthy relationship you got there.
My husband and I have a similar rule: “Can we still afford rent?”
If yes, then I don’t care how many Warhammer minis you get, as long as you don’t get angry when I get an antique collection of tuning forks for no reason.
antique collection of tuning forks
Go on...
… I lied, it was only one. I didn’t want to get into my actual hobby right now which is the collection of fancy isopods.
One of ‘em looks like a jelly bean. It’s awesome.
A collection of 1 is still a collection. But now, I want to see this forbidden jelly bean.
How tasty does that look!
How do you cook them, and what sauce do you recommend?
No need to prepare; they come pre-blasted with Dorito Dust
Have you seen Serpa Design's isopod habitats?? They're so cool! He's made full on display enclosures for just isopods- working waterfalls and everything.
"Yes, I upgraded it, thank you for noticing"
I tend to be responsible with my money, and if I upgraded I would have budgeted for it
"Yes, I'm not eating for the next 3 weeks"
I tend to be irresponsible with my money, and if I upgraded I ain't eating.
I used to be responsible with money as well until I got into iRacing
Not sim racing related but same vibe. I collect records and one of the local shops has a sign over the register that says they'll make a receipt that says you spent whatever amount you want for $5
does it? it's the same
It's any of the first 3 followed by D.
You look very pretty today, was it an accident?
Final answer locking it in.
The slight defensive tone I imagine to read in some of these comments makes the meme even better
I hope that's multiple choice!
You see, it's funny because marriage is terrible!