[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 hour ago

Did you see that I said "I don't use Signal"?

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

Because the user wants help on how to stop the spam. You toxic people won't understand that. I argued about the inclusion of politics because it's not allowed in this community and if everyone breaks the rule, it will stop working and the community will turn into a political junkyard.

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 hour ago

Because I check my system and I don't even use Signal?

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

You have any other ideas on how to stop the spam? Then just tell them. No need to stupidly fight

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 16 hours ago

Oh that's smart but I don't think they use it for tracking now. The most they can do is check the hash for known CSAM.

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 18 points 17 hours ago

Oh wow that's quite a red flag ngl

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 17 hours ago

Hmm then no need to worry about it I guess

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 1 points 17 hours ago

That works too but then the image will be the resolution of a Minetest texture after uploading.

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 2 points 17 hours ago

I agree that this is a very valid reason but I don't think most of the people see their OS that way

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 6 points 18 hours ago

Sounds like a serious bug. What's the distro and package format? It might be a single package issue.

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 3 points 20 hours ago

Yes but I think most of them use absolutely the same transformation so the resulting image is the same. I really can be wrong though.

[-] GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml 7 points 21 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

I don't think they use picture analyzing software for tracking. It's very resource heavy because it uses systems similar to LLMs. You can make very slight changes to your pfp (just one changed pixel is enough) for every website to avoid hash match but it's not necessary I think. If someone wants to manually find your accounts though then it won't be too hard for them.

What is a CDN? (lemmy.ml)

I'm using LibreTube for a very long time and I often switch between different instances when the one I use stops working. I noticed that instances without CDN work more reliably for me and they don't even have this recent "sign in to confirm that you're not a bot" error. But on the official wiki it says that instances with CDN are preferred. What is this thing and are there any concerns when using an instance without it?


Chromium... I'm so getting downvoted with this one.


I have an old Android 6 phone that is still not completely unusable and my older family members want to use it as a backup phone (in fact, they already do). They can't live without Facebook (obviously) so I installed Firefox on it and made a PWA for Facebook. It works surprisingly well but Firefox itself is quite sluggish and slow to open on that piece of hardware. So I'm thinking of installng a Chromium browser on it, as well as on my other old devices to make them run a bit better and just out of my extremely unhealthy curiosity.

But the problem is they all do not support modern arm64 apps that most Android phones use nowadays. Instead they need this other type called armeabi-v7a. There were Chromium based browsers that had a v7a version (Bromite for example) but they all suspiciously died at the same time more than a year ago. Does Chromium really not support the old architecture (or whatever it is) anymore or I'm just not searching well enough?

P. S. Advices to buy a newer device will not be accepted and will be treated with appropriate level of hostility.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I need some help finding a distro for a very old machine.

It's my family's old desktop with 2001 components (bought in 2004) and a Pentium CPU that is NOT i686. I checked the exact model and architecture once but I don't remember it now. The only thing I remember is that it's not i686 so 99% of modern 32 bit distros don't work on it (stuck right after grub).

The machine has 1 Gb of DDR1 RAM though so I think it may be useful or at least fun to play around with.

Now it's on Windows XP that runs quite well but doesn't support modern SSL certificates so it can't browse the internet (idk how to fix it ok?).

A long time ago I tried to run multiple distros in live mode on it and got only one (Puppy) to work. Display, sound, ethernet and pretty much everything worked fine. GPU seemed to be an issue though because NVidia and I couldn't install the driver (it was skill issue and I think it's possible to do). But now it doesn't work for some reason.

Are there any Linux distros or other operating systems (preferably not deprecated) that I can install on it? And btw it does have bootable USB support.

EDIT: There are way too many answers and a lot of ones that don't mind the architecture limitations. I'm grateful to everyone who replied but I have to close this discussion now and I will not reply to further answers. I have received enough information and I cannot physically read so many replies.


I think this way of implementing and using AI is actually good from all perspectives (probably except some legal aspects but I don't think Mozilla will add a legally grey feature). What do you think about it?

And I'm sorry if it's already posted here. I didn't find any posts on this topic myself

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/simracing@lemmy.ml

Title basically. I got a Fanatec (don't hate me for it ok?) CSL DD 8nm and I mostly play BeamNG with it. As everyone probably knows, this game has extremely unforgiving, dangerous and strong FFB, especially when going off road or crashing. I'm not a strong person so I don't hold the wheel very hard when driving. This means when ~~a skill issue~~ one of the above mentioned events happen, the wheel oscillates and vibrates quite hard.

I do have interpolation and smoothening enabled but I don't want to crank it up too high in order to save details. So can the vibration significantly hurt the hardware? I'm planning to get a Clubsport QR1 soon to eliminate one of the concerns but I still don't know if everything else is going to be fine. I'm not able to repair or replace the hardware every few months after all

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemmy.world

Sorry for a kinda clickbait title but it is what it is. I just watched a video about Android 15 changes and a lot of them are either not important or straight up bad.

I want to specifically mention increased background sensor usage (such as microphone) and the Find My Device network. These are serious privacy issues that just make lives of custom ROM developers and users harder by having to disable more and more stuff (that's turned on by default of course), as well as a contribution to ewaste generation and general decrease of battery life.

I guess we are getting into the era of complete death of digital privacy and absolute surveillance. This is scary but not too unrealistic I guess. I just hope the devs of privacy-focused ROMs will be able to do something about it and purge these changes.


What do you think of this project and cloud gaming in general? I thought it's dead already

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/simracing@lemmy.ml

I ordered a Fanatec CSL DD bundle which, as everyone probably knows, comes with a plastic quick release system called QR1 Lite. This system was known for being unreliable and breaking back in like 2022 but it looks like there were some revisions and now nobody talks about it. Is it reliable enough now or should I order a QR1 (non-Lite) asap? I don't care about the noise or flex but only about long-term reliability.

P. S. I know it's probably better to ask this question on the Fanatec forum but I don't really want to create an account just for it. I better don't give my data to another company when it's not necessary.

EDIT: QR1 is not available here anymore. RIP my wheel connection pins

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/simracing@lemmy.ml

I want to get into not very serious sim racing so I need to buy my first setup. Direct drives are not officially available here and import taxes are so high that things like Moza R5 or Fanatec CSL DD cost around $900-1200 (if I buy 3 pedal set too which is necessary) which is not very acceptable. There are quite a few deals on used belt-driven wheels though and it looks like the ones in the title are the best ones I can get (the price is around $500-600 for full base+wheel+pedals bundles). Though I'm not sure if the Fanatec one has table clamps included which is very important for me and can be quite a hassle if they aren't. There's also stuff like T300 RS GT and T248 (even new ones) but they are significantly worse afaik so I don't say much about them. Anyways, what do I choose in this case? I mostly care about balance (e. g. T248 is powerful but slow which doesn't allow drifting) and quality of FFB. I don't need any load cell pedals (physical disability -> not enough strength to use them) or console compatibility (I play only on PC) which makes the choice even harder.

EDIT: I found a way to get a DD for an almost acceptable price. Now I'm mostly looking at Fanatec CSL DD

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

I am in need of a separate degoogled phone for some things that require high level of privacy (nothing illegal).

I have 2 phones that I can use. One of them is my business phone (it has my business number, apps, data and that sort of stuff) which is now running an OS with all the Google spyware because it's necessary for the apps to work. I can reinstall everything on the second phone and use the first one as the secure device since it supports everything I need. The problem is that it has some issues on vanilla ROMs that I don't really want to deal with and the reinstalling will take a lot of time.

The issue with the second phone is that it is rocking an old MTK chip and rooting instructions are let's say a bit beyond my ability to understand. I still want to use it without Google if possible though. So can I degoogle its stock ROM with ADB or something? And is it worth trying or there will still be some vulnerabilities?

EDIT: to clear some possible misunderstandings, the reason of why I need a separate secure phone is that I am forced to use a very invasive proprietary app that I'd prefer just keeping on a separate device instead of trying to limit its spyware abilities with firewalls and that kind of stuff. I don't trust the last solution much. Also I can't use it in a VM because I need it to always be accessible wherever I am and yk carrying a PC is not an option

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

When the xz backdoor was discovered, I quickly uninstalled my Arch based setup with an infected version of the software and switched to a distro that shipped an older version (5.5 or 5.4 or something). I found an article which said that in 5.6.1-3 the backdoor was "fixed" by just not letting the malware part communicating with the vulnerable ssh related stuff and the actual malware is still there? (I didn't understand 80% of the technical terms and abbreviations in it ok?) Like it still sounds kinda dangerous to me, especially since many experts say that we don't know the other ways this malware can use (except for the ssh supply chain) yet. Is it true? Should I stick with the new distro for now or can I absolutely safely switch back and finally say that I use Arch btw again?

P. S. I do know that nothing is completely safe. Here I'm asking just about xz and libxzlk or whatever the name of that library is

EDIT: 69 upvotes. Nice

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml to c/lineageos@lemmy.ml

I have LineageOS installed on my phone and it has almost weekly updates. Since the device is quite budget, I believe its memory can be damaged by such often updates so I'm not updating it for 2 months already. But there are security fixes and patches in newer versions so I do want to update. My question is: do I have to install every update one by one (there are like 8 of them lol) or can I just install the newest version? All of the updates are minor of course. There are no Android version jumps

EDIT: I installed the latest version as everyone suggested and everything seems to be working fine. Thank you all for help

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