I watched this movie as a child and I think I can rightly blame it for me being pretty fucked up.
B Movie Bonanza
A place for lovers of B movies to come together and talk about them.
- Be most excellent to one another. (Don't be a jerk)
- Try not to repost movies that have already been posted. (If it has been over 12 months feel free to repost)
- If posting links for people to watch the movies let them be legal ones. (Free is best but not when it's shady, you dig?)
- Have fun and enjoy all the awesomeness that B movies can bring you.
At least it's the right way of fucked up.
You know what movie from around that same era really, well and truly fucked up a lot of young minds? The rapture and antichrist film Like A Thief In The Night, they used to screen that alarmist zealot propaganda POS at churches, did incalculable damage to many susceptible young (and old) minds.
Any day now... any day he's coming... will you be... left behind?!!
I want somebody to make make the movies from the fake trailers. We really need a full length Zinc Oxide and You in the same style as Reefer Madness.
A full length movie would drag out the punchline, the trailers are long enough.
Big Jim Slade
The man in this cell used to be tough and ruthless, now he is rough and toothless.
This, Amazon Women on the Moon, and UHF were all staples growing up.
Got the delivery here for your next show.
Let's see, I got one aardvark, one flamingo, four porcupines, two armadillos, three badgers...
Badgers! Badgers! We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
I'm not wearing any pants. Film at 11.
The popcorn you’re eating has been pissed in. Film at 11.
Moscow in flames. Missiles headed to New York. Film at 11.
I’ll never forget them first time seeing Rex Kramer, danger seeker. Hoooo boooy
This is definitely a product of its time, but it's still a funny watch.