Interesting considering the ongoing sentiment that NZ is going downhill and is becoming worse than a3rd world country.
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Maybe it's just that the rest of the world is going downhill faster
Most people are just haters.
I'm in osaka right now and it's definitely not comparable to auckland. Things are so ridiculously cheap here and transport/accommodation is great.
Auckland is beautiful, the CBD is a shit hole
What part of it is beautiful though? I have been to Vancouver, Sydney and Melbourne on the list and frankly I would not describe any of them as beautiful. They are just cities and things are not beautiful until you are no longer looking at the city itself. Looking towards the sea is beautiful, once you leave the city and get some green space it's beautiful but unless the city has some really interesting architecture or art it's just meh. Some parts of Melbourne did have fantastic murals though so that was beautiful for sure. Where the art museum is is also beautiful.