I hope this is fake somehow, otherwise Steve has put his own house on the verge of collapse. And if it happens, she won't remember complaining about the unsightly pipes running under the joists.
The pictures real, the caption is almost definitely bullshit tho.
One of them would have explained why you don't cut a floor joist
Yeah I got that feeling too based on the premise of someone complaining about:
- Something they've almost certainly never seen.
- Nobody else will likely ever see, save for hired pros.
But if we're right about the photo being real, someone has a huge problem.
"pipes clean and off the ground"
lol wait until you hear about the water pipes coming into the house
What do you mean they go underground?? Thats like were i walk Ewwww
Thats like where my dog pisses.
Some people man
...water? Like from the toilet?
industry standard expansion joints so the beams don't crack under the weight of the house ๐๐๐
It's amazing that the floor doesn't just drop
Maglev, maybe?
Bonus trampoline in the living room.
Good for one big jump, maybe two.
I wonder what the thinking was as whomever embarked on this project. I suppose not much, beyond "must make neat plumbing install".
Every so often you find a subcontractor who follows what they see on the blueprints exactly
That is very wrong but at the bare minimum they could have installed steel brackets to put back some of the strenght, if the notion of using a hole saw evaded them.
Or why not some like... just some bands to attach the pipes under the supports.
Nah, then the pipes would be too close to the ground. They might get dirty.
Bonus if they have porcelain tiles above lol.
Tiles on top of a radiant floor heating systemโฆ
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