Unlearnign Economics' take on LTV is so frustrating because to me it just sounds like he's going "nuh uh labour is just one thing that makes things valuable it's in no way at all the PRIMARY thing" which seems to me like he's using ridiculous abstractions like his idea of "if you went to a concert and paid money you necessarily paid for all the equipment that ran the concert and the labour is just a part of that" which is infuriating because like.......... ??? / ?? ?? /? /? what? ?? what about the labour that it took to create the equipment and set it up? why would any of it exist at all if labour didn't exist?? ? ?? thoroughly sidestepping all the philosophical work Marx did to show what IS the primary thing and going "no sweaty it's just a part of it" and doing some graphs and maths and your own holey philosophy. but i'm not smart enough to put together anything more than a vibes based annoyance so its whatever
just ridiculous contrarian shit to me